I disagree with allot of what you say, because I disagree with you.. that's it.
Oh really, well you're not only disagreeing with me, but industry leaders as well. Industry leaders who know FAR more than you'll EVER know regarding video games.
Well I must bow down to their opinion then because they must know what is mature and what isn't if there in the game industry...?
Consideruing that you'd post nonesense like this, it's just proves how ignorant you are. You're proclaiming to understand the industry better than people IN the industry. You say that and NOBODY is going to listen to you IMO.
SMS is based more on actual gameplay then cheap and 'cool' shock value, but then it does have some silly childish stuff in it. I'm not going to sit here and rate how mature each of these games are against each other because its just pointless. The point is GTA3 is not a mature game.
Yes, you won't sit there an rate them against each other because you see how wrong you are. I perfectly understand... Too bad SMS doesn't APPEAL to older gamers as much as it does younger gamers. Otherwise it
might actually sell as fast as the GTA series.
Also it's not about the game itself being or having mature content, but the OVERALL game itself APPEALING to MATURE gamers. That's what I'm talking about, and what you fil to understand
So your saying its not a mature game but it somehow apeals to mature people... that makes no sense at all.
I'm saying it's not being or having mature content that makes it appeal to older gamers. It's a number of factors added together to make the entire package that appeals to older gamers. You keep lumping this game inot the mature catagory only BECAUSE it has violence in it. that isn't the sole reason it appeals to older gamers.
GTA3 is sophisticated? Have you ever played GTA3?
You've displayed your level of understanding here clear enough. perhaps when you're a little older (or more likely wiser) you'll understand why this appeals to a differnt crowd than SMS.
They've built a game with allot of hype behind it, and its selling well, you really think that's down to anything but hype and name brand (with a fun game behind it of course)?
Hype? You gotta be kidding! I don't knwo a single person or reviewer that hasn't said good things about the new version. There's a reason that it sold 1 million copies the first day, and I don't thing it has much to do about hype.
Sorry you just lost me. Post the quote were I said a mature game is a violent one.
You've said that in the past and you imply it now. You imply that mature games are the games that bare a mature label. We even had the rating lable argument before. You argued in the past that games like resident evil and Eternal darkness are mature rated games that will appeal to older gamers. What I've been saying is that the label on the box means nothing. The overall game "as a package" is what makes it appeal to older gamers. GTA games contains everything it needs to appeal to this crowd. A mature rated game as shown by the sales in res evil and eternal darkness, do not always sell as well, or move as many consles as other titles.
The average age of GameCube users is 20+.. so by the same logic you think SMS is a mature game? As for my age I'll 21 years and 8 months old
Oh, it is? just where are you getting that from? An internet poll? A online poll that will always be skewed to the older people surfing? The average age of a GC user is below that of XBox and PS2, i can assure you that much. Where did you see this information exactly?
I meant the game is bad as in badass.
Ok, my bad.
I said how many games that you can really consider mature games have outsold SMS so far.
...and I said the "mature" rating has nothing to do with the fact a game appeals to older/mature players. I also said above LOT's of games have outsold mario so far
The game passed 1 million quite a while ago. I'll go and find all the sales numbers.
It DID pass one million, but it wasn't "quite a while ago". Ok, please find these sales numbers that show the game approaching 3 million units in sales worldwide.
You think GameCube has a world wide install base of only 4 million?? GameCube has over 2.5 million just in Japan, around 4 million in the U.S now and easily 1.5 million in Europe, likely more.
Gamecube has NOT reached 2.5 million in japan, or 4 million in the US or 1.5 million in europe! Hey i can admit if I'm wrong, just back these numbers up with something.
Either way, you're TOTALLY wrong about SMS reaching close to 3 million in sales right now.
Maybe I wouldn't have to argue the same things if you didn't keep saying the same crap over and over again.
You don't understand the game industry. Simply put... we're not aruging about hardware, we're not arguing abuot monthly sales here. we're arguing about the industry as a whole. an industry you clearly DON'T understand. if you think what is ACTUALLY going on in the industry is crap, then I suggest you don't bother reponding to these posts.
Oh right, and I suppose your the one who's 'corrected me?
Did I say me? No, I said "someone"! You do this all the time to me and other people around here. I've seen arguments like this over and over. You argue with just about everyone except one or two people in this forum.
I don't need to understand the industry to know that GTA3 is a immature game that is loved mostly by immature adults and kids.
I do think that you are too immature to understand why it appeals to older gamers.
Take a look in the mirror when you say that man.
I'm just speaking the truth. you don't look at this industry clearly enough...