Next time you're driving and you see a Critical Mass demonstration be sure to plow right into them. They deserve it for intentionally blocking your stupid SUV. Or maybe you'd like to drive at 45mph past a school and run over a kid who steps out onto the road without looking.
Is this really what happened?
The bulldozers had been in the area for two hours, and were certainly aware of the protesters and their activities. What is less clear is whether the bulldozer operator saw Corrie immediately prior to killing her.
Witness statements by fellow ISM protesters indicate that Corrie would have been clearly visible to the driver while she was standing on top of the pile of rubble in front of the driver. She was wearing a red reflective jacket at this time.
According to those who have been permitted to read it, the unpublished IDF report and the unpublished report by a branch of the Israeli judiciary both state that the driver never saw or heard Corrie. It is not clear what timeframe these statement might refer to.
A further complication is that, according to regulations, the bulldozer driver should have been directed in part by other IDF soldiers at the scene. Caterpillar D9s have a restricted field of vision, limited by the small armored windows, with a number of blind spots. In theory the other soldiers should have covered these spots.
The IDF commander of Gaza Strip, in an interview to Israeli Channel 2 actualia research broadcast Uvda with Ilana Dayan told that soldiers were bound to stay in their armoured vehicles and could not get out to direct the bulldozer or to arrest the protesters due to the threat of Palestinian snipers. He also added that Corrie was facing the bulldozer alone, while the rest of her friends were away, probably forcing the APC to handle them instead of watching over the bulldozer.
Seems to me she knowingly got in its way.
the Autospy:
An initial autopsy was performed at the National Center of Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv. The Olympian reported that the National Center concluded on March 20 that her "death was caused by pressure on the chest from a mechanical apparatus".
The Jerusalem Post issue of June 26, 2003 reported that "An autopsy found that the cause of Corrie’s death was falling debris".
Did the press fail to mention this?
D9 Military:

are you telling me the driver has a perfect view?
Corrie was run over:
BS. You are telling me this vehicle weighing over 10 tons would have left her body intact after dirving over her?