In the Dark Again


Mostly Harmless
So, right in the middle of doing something pretty important for my company --whamo, no lights, UPS screaming all over the house.

So I'm sitting here in the not-quite-dark (cloudy day). Unplugged the phone from the UPS even, so that only the cable modem and the wireless router have juice, for however long.

I'm on the laptop, and the cell is on hold with the power company.

Oh joy. . .
geo said:
So, right in the middle of doing something pretty important for my company --whamo, no lights, UPS screaming all over the house.

So I'm sitting here in the not-quite-dark (cloudy day). Unplugged the phone from the UPS even, so that only the cable modem and the wireless router have juice, for however long.

I'm on the laptop, and the cell is on hold with the power company.

Oh joy. . .

addict...... :LOL:
Well at least you have your priorities straight.
My spies tell me all is well in geo land again, panic over!
Yes. Was out about 1/2 hr. Never lost the internet tho. Gotta love 'dem UPS and the low power draw of a cable modem and a wireless router. And the zero draw of a charged up notebook. :smile:

And I am NOT an addict. I can quit anytime I wa. . .no, okay, "Hello, my name is Geo, and I'm a netoholic."
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silence said:
great man, you did the first step..... wanna join support group? Digi is leader.....:LOL:

Oh, Riiight. 'Cause there won't be any enablement in that support group! Have they given out a one-week free pin yet? I think not. :p

Oh. Wait. Yeah, sign me up. :LOL:
I thought you were going to say you are in Southern Florida with no power. Luckily not for you! Otherwise the UPS wouldn't have lasted.
I live in South Florida, and I haven't had power for 2 days. I am stuck using a dial up connection and 4 different laptops that I charge while I am at work. I checked with Florida Power and Light and this is their estimate.

"In all other areas, FPL expects to complete power restoration to the majority of customers within two weeks -- November 8. Some 95 percent of FPL customers in these areas should have power restored within three weeks or by November 15."

I don't think I can survive that long with out power.