Not that I know anything, but I can't get rid of the gut feeling that the rumors for a hypothetical 2048*1536 resolution for a "iPad2" are way too much.
Too much for what though?
For what it is used for, or too much in terms of hardware requirements?
High resolution is wonderful for text, and one of the things increasing the resolution of the iPad2 can achieve is making it a much more viable platform for publishing "print" material. Kindle, Nook, and their ilk actually have decent sales volumes showing that there is a largely untapped market there. With a more compelling device this market could drive expansion. (Of course pretty much everything will look better at higher resolution even if it won't make that great a functional difference, just as print looked better from a laser-printer than from a dot-matrix.)
We tend to think in terms of the technology we have, and resolution independent displays have been a pipe dream for well over a decade. Always paved the way for, but never realized. Maybe the next decade will see that changed.