From the Eurogamer/DF article:
Battlefield 5's RTX ray tracing tested: is this the next level in gaming graphics?
This quote should shock you for several reasons.
- DXR was announced Mar 19, 2018 (DirectX Developer Blog) - but last year puts us in 2017
- By Mar 19, 2018 Nvidia's tools for DXR were then available to the masses for exploration and development
We should be asking how long the DX team has been working on this for. More importantly if DICE would be first to know about this future pipeline before Microsoft AAA studios. I doubt that very much.
- For 343i Halo 5 released Oct 27, 2015 and they are building an entirely new engine from scratch for this next title; they want this next title to deliver for xbox, so expect a tour de force here. My post on evidence of ray tracing in Halo Infinite here
- Turn 10 has no Forza 8 for 2019
- The only expected release anytime soon is Gears 5.
- So it wouldn't surprise me if 2 of 3 of their major AAA studios are prepping to launch with HRT for next gen. Except that UE4 has RT already in the engine and is likely to continue development.
I don't know the cost structure, nor do I know how it will work. I don't know the vendor or the price. But MS has tied this to DX12 and invariably Windows 10. There's no doubt in my mind strategically you want the console to help push DXR thus the rest of the market off Windows 7 and onto 10. Would MS really go out of their way to sabotage their own success with DXR? Did Phil Spencer really do all of this pivoting to save Xbox and start making it successful again only to push another 4K box? That's certainly not going to get more people to switch away from PS5. That's certainly not going to get more people onto Windows 10. Microsoft's greatest strength is technology, so if they aren't deploying new technology they are falling behind their competitors.
Primitive shaders are all things their competitors have access to, but RT acceleration there's no guarantee with AMD as we understand it now. Nintendo could have access to RT as early as their next generation after NSW! That would be a rough day for MS and Sony if they launched next gen without it.
So I respect all the work being done to estimate feasibility, but we need more information before we can start guessing further. We're just too far out. 2 years is a lot of time for things to change. As we know, the difference between PS4 having 4 or 8 GB of memory was less than a year. The difference between Xbox One wasting 30% of its silicon on esram vs having 8 GB GDDR5 is 1 year.
Imagine 2 years time from now, or if you'd like 3+ years for MS AAA studios working with RT technologies. Xbox BC hardware was brought into Xbox One just a year before launch. Xbox has GPU-driven dispatch as well. So the hardware can definitely move in-front of the software, and now we're seeing the software definitely move in-front of the hardware.
I don't think anyone has said anything that is remotely close to the final possibilities except for the price points -- which will lie between 399 and 499.
Lots of time for things to change in favour of DXR. Things certainly aren't going to get worse.