IGN Wii rumours

But, but, but, I have been assured by many forum members here that the sensitivity is adjustable.

And just how many controllers is this thing going to ship with? The Wiimote, "Classic" controller, and Nuchuka controller, plus sensor bars? I thought the whole idea of the Wii was to make things easier for the non-gamer.

I've always considered the wiimote+nunchuk to basically be one unit. I mean, the analogue stick is on the nunchuk, presumably many games will still need an analogue stick.

It's basically the wiimote+nunchuk unit, sensor bars, and a classic controller. Not so bad. I won't be buying it though, easier to just borrow a friends Gamecube so I can play Zelda.
It's basically the wiimote+nunchuk unit, sensor bars, and a classic controller. Not so bad.

The whole Wii PR line was that it was made for the non-gamer because the controls on a standard gamepad were too complex.

Just imagine how the non-gamer will feel being confronted with 3 different looking controllers that function in 3 different ways, plus a sensor bar. If they were intimidated by the controls of a standard gamepad then this option will scare the hell out of them.
Yes it can be a problem. Hopefully they include pictures and introductory videos on these things. Also since the confusion is only likely at the beginning, rather than everytime you try to use Wii... it should not be a show stopper. We'll have to see how well packaged the Wii is.

After Nintendo and partners roll out some slick games built specifically for Wii, I'd be surprised if we don't see YouTube videos of Wii gamer moves + game plays (rather than just gameplay movies).
That would be better IMO, with a headset (it seems it isnt standard) and some games (eg Wii Sports or multiple VC ones (classic and/or original)) could make a nice bundle

Why not just use a GC controler?

Two reasons:
1- they're trying to sell the Wii to a vast amount of people and the market will go beyond just who owned a GC before it.

2- the GC controller sucks for any game that wasn't designed specifically around it.

The problem is if the "standard" controller is included (I hate that phrase, the Wiimote is the standard controller for the Wii) then what incentive do developers have to spend extra time and effort customizing their games for the Wiimote?

Sure some would, but many would take the easy way out, and not bother if they had a standard gamepad type controller to use instead.
Those games won't fare well in comparison to X360 and PS3 games, because the graphics will be worse, and they won't have the unique and intuitive controls that are intended to make Wii games stand out. It's in a developer's best interests to design games around the Wii's unique inputs.
If there is a classic controler as standard with each Wii (ie if they are forcing everypne to use it) why put GC controler inputs at all? I doubt it would be just for those who want to play MP splint-screen of the GC games.
If there is a classic controler as standard with each Wii (ie if they are forcing everypne to use it) why put GC controler inputs at all? I doubt it would be just for those who want to play MP splint-screen of the GC games.

Easy, because the GameCube hardware probably can't access the Wiimote receiver.
If there is a classic controler as standard with each Wii (ie if they are forcing everypne to use it) why put GC controler inputs at all? I doubt it would be just for those who want to play MP splint-screen of the GC games.

So people could use the GC controller to play their old GC games?
Which leads us back to the ultimate problem with the wii, which is that it's underpowered compared to its contemporaries. The only benefit of the console is the control scheme. If you remove that from the equation, you have a seriously weak unit.

Basically you have Melee again with new characters and levels and some questionable additions.

If Nintendo's wiikaraoke.com website is realized

I thought the Wii mote didn't have a mic on it?
That's right. Nintendo did not announce that Wiimote has a mike but it has registered wiikaraoke.com. My comments about Wii games still stand though.
Donka Konga Bongos.
Yeah, it really sucks to have a "backward compatible" system that doesn't have an interface for the peripherals. DDR may end up being supported in a future BC update for the 360, but how the hell am I supposed to play it if I can't connect my dance pad? And not being able to transfer my saves really sucks, too. Wii has all the bases covered.
Just imagine how the non-gamer will feel being confronted with 3 different looking controllers that function in 3 different ways, plus a sensor bar. If they were intimidated by the controls of a standard gamepad then this option will scare the hell out of them.
I think the trouble is memorization. That's where the developers come in. They have to be mapped in a way as to make it feel natural, rather than thinking in terms of the controller itself (i.e. "Cockpit-alizing" controls by mapping each and every single command to a button, as opposed to just letting each control response feel like a natural extention.)