If you're into pixar movies

Mariner said:
John Reynolds said:
I've got next Thursday off for Veteran's Day so it's either Incredibles or Alfie that day.

Meh. You'd be better off watching the original which was a very good film than the aimless remake.

Heh, I saw Alfie by myself the very next day (the 7th) and then the Incredibles on Thursday with a friend. You're right, that was one seriously aimless film, a real disappointment despite Law's fairly appealing performance.

The Incredibles, on the other hand, is for me the best film of the year so far. Absolutely loved it.
Best movie of the year so far for me was "Layer Cake" (the ads on the tube had a yellow car bonnet with an iron on it, burning). Totally amazing. Not much publicity, but it was one of the best movie i've seen in years, certainly the best this year.
I think that one of the things that Pixar films have going for them is a coherent, well thought out storyline. I'm still amazed how little effort seems to be put into the plots/storylines of most films. Surely this is the part which needs most work?

Went to see "Bad Santa" last night. Utterly shite despite receiving some good reviews. :?
Mariner said:
Went to see "Bad Santa" last night. Utterly shite despite receiving some good reviews. :?
And you couldn't tell that from the title? :?