jvd said:
we don't know what the jpeg over head is .
Any overhead is only going to count against Cell, since it's taking it on, and the G5 is not.
jvd said:
It seems to me like the test is bias in favor of the cell. Since the cell is doing something that the g5 can't do .
No it's not, it's just doing something the G5 isn't doing. And it makes sense, because doing the raycasting on the G5 is doing it locally on the client..there's no point in encoding the image and putting it over the network to another machine, since you're doing it on the machine that's displaying/controlling the demo.
jvd said:
Adding one spe to the raycasting may not increase its performance. I do not know what the performance is like for that part with out a dedicated spe for the jpeg .
The jpeg/image encoding does not affect the raycasting performance (AFAIK?). It's simply done to output the image resulting from the raycasting out over the network, because if they left it uncompressed, it'd be difficult to put out x frames per second over the network to the client. I mean, a 720p frame uncompress = ~3.5MB. Multiply that by even 30fps and you're hitting ~850Mbit/s. Considering you don't get near the theoretical 1Gbit/s, it's easy to see why compression is needed.
Someone else want to confirm that it's simply output manipulation and has nothing to do with the raycasting?
jvd said:
What would be faster . 1x7 with no dedicated spe for the jpeg. 1x8 with 1 dedicated spe for the jpeg
As far as raycasting is concerned, these would be the same as far as I can see.
jvd said:
1x7 with 1 dedicated spe for the jpeg ?
This is a reference to the PS3 CPU, I assume, but you wouldn't be doing the "jpeg bit" if doing similar work on PS3. You wouldn't be feeding the frames over the network to someone else, at least not in a game scenario. You would not need jpeg/image encoding, like the G5, and thus performance would be the same as in the 8 SPE setup (with one SPE taken for image encoding).
jvd said:
I believe the jpeg compression is positively affecting performance and it seems to me important enough that it has a full spe dedicated to it .
The only reason it's being done, as said many times before, is to accomodate passing frames over the network at realtime rates. The cell blade is doing the rendering, and passing the frames to the client. How does this positively affect the raycasting performance? If anything it's negative, since it's taking a SPE away from raycasting/rendering.
jvd said:
How would the g5 fair if it was dual core and had one core dedicated to jpeg compression ?
I believe the performance would go up . Not by a factor of 50x . But i believe it would go up With out knowing the jpeg overhead its hard to say .
jvd - the G5 doesn't have to worry about image encoding! It isn't doing any! It doesn't have to pass the image out to another machine. I thus don't think it would help its performance at all - only hurt it, in fact - unless you can specifically point out how image encoding is helping the raycasting/rendering performance.