I need a new hat.


I have an AMD one coming from Snipe, but until it comes or ATi re-stocks their online store with some new ones I'm really gonna be jonesing for a good geek hat.

What are the best geek baseball hats out there? I find meself eminently more comfortable when I'm wearing one.
Basic said:
How about an elf hat? :D
That's an "Xmas season only" hat for me, I store it with my Xmas decorations.

I'm thinking about checking out thinkgeek and seeing if I can find a "Got root?" hat I like.

http://www.ace-fittedcapsandhats.com/fitted-caps-flex fit-hats.htm

Mebbe get a custom embroidered one with this on it:


Tastefully embroidered about 2-1/2" square?
RussSchultz said:
Bubblebath phoenix?
Nah, that's me logo. Back when I just had Blue Phoenix and Bubbles I got really baked one night and decided to make meself a proper avatar and came up with the blue phoenix rising out of the sea of bubbles.

(I had just upgraded the bejeebus out of Blue with some old parts from Bubbles which I had also upgraded)

It ain't the best, but it's stuck pretty well and came to be associated with me. :)
hupfinsgack said:
Why not get a tin foil hat and join a militia? :LOL:
I keep my hair at about 1/8-1/4", the tinfoil pokes me head.

As for the militia bit I couldn't see doing it, I couldn't bring myself to join the military because I could not bring myself to give blind loyalty and obedience to my government...same thing would apply to a militia.
Get one about 4 sizes too small for your head in that fetching burberry chequered pattern, then wear it on the back of your head so the visor points up.