I lack responsibility and motivation


I don't do what I should, I don't do what's good or right, I just do what I feel for. And really, most of the time, I don't care if I go down in the shitter.

So what the fuck is my problem?
Yeah I've been thinking that growing up sucks. I don't think I've had enough fun, been missing out too much. :smile:

How did you manage? :D
Yeah I've been thinking that growing up sucks. I don't think I've had enough fun, been missing out too much. :smile:

How did you manage? :D
You don't want to follow my path, I made it interesting....I'm just glad I survived it! :oops:

Best advice I can give is to hang in there and keep at it, it really does get better some day. It took until I was about 27 years old for me, but it did get better and has continued to do to. :D
I don't do what I should, I don't do what's good or right, I just do what I feel for. And really, most of the time, I don't care if I go down in the shitter.

So what the fuck is my problem?

I'd say you've identified the problem... I don't know you, so you could just be being hard on yoursefl, but... if you really want to change, just a couple things to it: hard work and unflagging honesty. Useful tools include taking notes, writing goals (concrete, measurable, achieveable goals) and setting strict timelines for them, talking to people regularly about them, and not ever accepting any excuses from yourself, nor seeking any scapegoats in the outside world. This doesn't mean beating yourself up over things -- everyone makes mistakes FREQUENTLY. But you have to develop a mindset of, everything I'm not doing to actively achieve my good and honest goals (including criticizing myself unconstructively, complaining to friends about my problems, despairing that the world isn't what I wish it was, giving up, taking benders without earning them first, etc) is wasted time. You'll soon be counting that time, every second, as it flies, flies away, so enjoy what you deserve, make a mentality of wanting only what you deserve, so you can enjoy it to its fullest, criticize yourself before others (but again, only in ways that are useful -- telling yourself you're an asshole does nothing. telling yourself what you DID that was wrong, and apologizing to the people who deserve it, is progress), and soon, well, you'll GET what you deserve. ;)

and of course i don't mean to say that i'm there yet either -- so know that you have plenty of partners to share Hell with -- but that it's not about comparison, it's just about trying to do the best that you possibly can, without lies, lies are probably the main thing. "unintentional" lies always, always count.
It will definitely give you a huge motivation boost, trust me. And if it becomes serious, it'll make you more responsible as well.
I don't do what I should, I don't do what's good or right, I just do what I feel for. And really, most of the time, I don't care if I go down in the shitter.

So what the fuck is my problem?

Why is it a problem?

It seems to me that in modern society we're under a great deal of artificial pressure to
achieve more, more and yet more all the time. To be someone of impeccable virtue and quality. To go out there and grab everything, be everything, achieve everything, then bring it back home to provide for our wife and kids in a great big fuck-off house with three cars. If you don't achieve this, you're a total failure and deserve to be shot with shit. This is the message we get from all around (particularly the media).

It's bollocks. Don't let it get to you. Make your own decisions (and be prepared to live with the consequences by the way!).
It will definitely give you a huge motivation boost, trust me. And if it becomes serious, it'll make you more responsible as well.
It's not like a badge that you show off. Exactly like nutball said, there is no logical way to be taken seriously. Everybody has their precious credibility of being vain.
I don't get you, what showing off? It changes you within, nothing to do with the outside world. Ask digi, meeting his wife was his saviour I think.

Meh, I'm getting old...
I don't get you, what showing off? It changes you within, nothing to do with the outside world. Ask digi, meeting his wife was his saviour I think.

Meh, I'm getting old...
Well that's more of a friend then a partner but I guess that's more important.
Totally agree. A good woman will, or SHOULD, give you the proper motivation and sense of responsibility. If not, either she's not a good woman or you're just a tit. The responsibility will come with wanting to take care of her the best you can. As was said before, it's going to change you internally. Showing off will most likely be one of the furthest things from your mind.