I lack responsibility and motivation

I'd say you've identified the problem... I don't know you, so you could just be being hard on yoursefl, but... if you really want to change, just a couple things to it: hard work and unflagging honesty. -zip-

You're right man, you're defenitely right.

Why is it a problem?

It seems to me that in modern society we're under a great deal of artificial pressure to
achieve more, more and yet more all the time............

I do want to get every thing I can get and take every chance I have, and when I'm not doing it I get pissed off on myself.

My mum told me I could have this "pressure" from media. But I don't know, i don't feel I have to do anything because of something else. though there is one person in the media world I like, and it's Arnie, major respect. I just think he's succeded well in life, and so I look up to him. :)
I know I could probably have it good with less and all, but I can't just let everything go by.

You know I kind of have this plan for my life (it's nothing big), but most of the time i'm not on the road for it.

Totally agree. A good woman will, or SHOULD, give you the proper motivation and sense of responsibility. If not, either she's not a good woman or you're just a tit. The responsibility will come with wanting to take care of her the best you can. As was said before, it's going to change you internally. Showing off will most likely be one of the furthest things from your mind.

Yeah I've been thinking it could be like that. Now this is something I NEED. :)

But then I have this Catch-22 problem of needing to gain responsibility to get one. :D
You know I kind of have this plan for my life (it's nothing big), but most of the time i'm not on the road for it.

You know, I have a philosophy that if you have plans that you find yourself not acting towards ... then they're things you probably don't actually want to do (deep down).
There's ways of making yourself want to do them. Not necessairily healthy, but they do work. Also, there are times where deep down you want to both do and do not do something. For example, I absolutely hate being late, but I obsess over finishing something at the expense of being late. In the end, I just feel terrible, but less so when I do stop what I'm doing and be on time. Therefore, I use behaviour altering techniques to remove the obsession problem.

As for responsibility, the first thing to do is realise it's not bad. Generally speaking, the irresponsible are only that way because they don't like responsibility. Think of responsibility like money. It's not good or bad, it's all in how you use it. In fact, it can be a very useful tool in the hands of a skilled user.

Then you need to realise that you are responsible to yourself as well. That is, if you decide to do something, then that decision must be followed without deviation even if it makes you anxious. More often then not, you realise that the worry is unwarrented. This isn't to say that decisions shouldn't be changed if external factors arise, just that they should be taken very seriously. A decision is like a promise to yourself. It's a reponsibility.

Following these principals, one can create a plan, decide they will follow it and act with responsibility to it. It's not easy and there will always be external factors that change your plans, but as long as you value staying responsible to it, you can usually work through the difficulties. I'm not promising an panacea though, lol.

More then anything else though, your conscious and subconscious desires must be aligned if you want to maximise your results. If you have problematic thoughts, desires and temptations interfering with your goals, then you must alter the underlying behaviours, thought patterns and memories to stop them. Think of these things like habits. You have to learn a new habit of thought and behaviour, which can be done by repeated reinforcement just like any habit. This requires a significant investment of time into self-reflection, but it's definitly worth it.

Don't believe people who say you can't change these kinds of things. As long as you truely desire it, and even if you don't, it usually can be done. I've seen enough, and very extreme, examples to know this is the case. Often times, if there is no underlying strong desire, then one can be developed in a more benign way that you will more easily accept. Once the desire is established, you are all but garunteed success in implementing the targeted behavioural changes. Although, if you must go in this direction it make take a year or more to reach your goal, otherwise 1 to 3 months is a good figure.
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Join the military and volunteer for duty in Iraq. That should liven up your life a bit, give you some direction, and put some perpective on your life.
DudeMiester, yeah man, I'll do that, thanks.

Join the military and volunteer for duty in Iraq. That should liven up your life a bit, give you some direction, and put some perpective on your life.

Just to bad I don't live in the us. I shouldn't complain but I can't help thinking that sweden must be the most boring country ever. I mean, I'm trying to make a list of "fun" stuff to do, so I don't fall into a depression or something. Really, wtf?
Sweden is a small, secure, wuss country with absolutely no action in it. I'm thinking of being a cop someday, but the most adventurous mission I'll ever get is to proabably chase down some "moppepojkar" (boys on mopeds)
Sweden is a small, secure, wuss country with absolutely no action in it. I'm thinking of being a cop someday, but the most adventurous mission I'll ever get is to proabably chase down some "moppepojkar" (boys on mopeds)

Wow, so your definition of "fun" is a place with violence and suffering? Well don't worry then, because you'll find yourself in a world of hurt soon enough. ;) Suffering loves macho pussyboys with adrenaline addictions... :rolleyes:
Wow, so your definition of "fun" is a place with violence and suffering? Well don't worry then, because you'll find yourself in a world of hurt soon enough. ;) Suffering loves macho pussyboys with adrenaline addictions... :rolleyes:

Haha. no man, but like, you go out, and all you see is some trees, buildings, roads, and old people. And that's about it. Downtown there's never anything going on, alot of boring people unless you see a crackhead trying to earn money making a dance while playing on a harmonica. Hey that rocks btw.
You can buy stuff in sweden, that's fun, if you have money. And drink. Alot. All the time.

Meh, I'm just being stupid. There are probably stuff to do, just really hard for me to come up with.
You don't have to. You can join even if you live in Sweden, and assuming you lived through Iraq you could gain automatic US citizenship if you wanted when you completed your service.

You mean I can become like a "greencard soldier"? Or do I join the military here in sweden and get transfered or something?

Assuming also that there is a war in iraq when I finish school. :)
Assuming also that there is a war in iraq when I finish school. :)

Haha, right about now that looks like a very, very safe assumption, unless your degree is in... getting degrees... ;p

Haha. no man, but like, you go out, and all you see is some trees, buildings, roads, and old people.

well, sorry if i was hard on you before but, honestly, that sounds like heaven to me. I mean yeah it's nice to have things going on, but I really think you just don't know how to enjoy what you've got. It happens to all of us, so I strongly recommend a change of scenery. Maybe transfer to another school, but don't do it expecting to solve ALL your problems. I guarantee something's going on in your hometown that you wish you knew about. I kcan name a number of great Swedish artists -- and I know pretty close to nothing about the place. Dig deeper, both in the local papers, online, and in your own heart. What are you afraid to do? Who are you afraid to collabortate with? Or if you can't find good answers to those, then: What would you choose to do in another place? How can you start preparing for that now? ;)
Haha. no man, but like, you go out, and all you see is some trees, buildings, roads, and old people. And that's about it. Downtown there's never anything going on, alot of boring people unless you see a crackhead trying to earn money making a dance while playing on a harmonica. Hey that rocks btw.

Be glad you don't live where I do. It's even more boring then that. All I have outside is small trees, houses, roads and cars. You don't even see people, other then the odd group of old Indian immigrants. There's also grass. In our downtown, which is the same size as our excessively large shopping malls despite having 400,000 people living here, you don't even have dancing hobos. Instead you have emo punk kids that have nothing better to do then loiter.

Oh we also have one of the highest concentration of prostitutes and "massage parlours" in Canada. God knows where they get their clientel though, but I'm told it's the truckers that go through the 5 massive highways that run through here. Arguably the massive interchanges between those highways is the city's most interesting feature.

Speaking of roads, we also have a terrible public transit system. It's the perfect level of crap. Not so bad you won't use it, and not so good that you can stand it. Everytime I get on one of those buses, I die a bit inside.

People come here to raise their families, and I suppose it's ideal for that. You can certainly be garunteed your children will leave as soon as possible! I moved out 2 weeks after I turned 18.
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Join the military and volunteer for duty in Iraq. That should liven up your life a bit, give you some direction, and put some perpective on your life.

That is sure to fuck up your personality, your psyche and your life completely. Unless you like to kill people or get yourself killed/crippled, then it would be a good idea.

God, how crazy is this world becomming... just seeing this post gives me shivers.