I just played .....


Viewtfull joe (believe this is correct) The game is amazing . Great art, Good fxs and most of all its very fun. Reminds me of the old super ness days

Rouge leader 3 . Heh the chars move slow as heck , graphics are just okay from what i've seen. To me its just not fun

Fzero. God this game is great. Although i suck badly at it . I played the e3 demo which is no at some stores. Looks good and is steady fps . very fun to play .
Man besides Prince Of Persia, Viewtiful Joe is my most anticipated of 2003. It'll probably sell 100,000 copies if that but it's a great game that deserves a sequel imo. I heard it only cost less than $800,000 to make (10 guys). So if it get's near 100,000 and some marketing it should be a hit.

Ha, it does 'the Matrix' better than the Matrix.
Viewtiful Joe's demo is absolutely brilliant - it's on the Preview Disc that so happily bumped up to $40 recently...
jvd said:
Viewtfull joe (believe this is correct) The game is amazing . Great art, Good fxs and most of all its very fun. Reminds me of the old super ness days

Yes, VJ is a very funny game, the slow motion is very sexy and Caption Blue is hilarous.

jvd said:
Fzero. God this game is great. Although i suck badly at it . I played the e3 demo which is no at some stores. Looks good and is steady fps . very fun to play .

Haven't really played it yet although I have bought it the first day it is available.