Tell your girl that is she wants to keep you she has to start leveling up in WoW. Tell her undead shammies are hot.PARANOiA said:An interesting sidenote:
My next door neighbours met on Everquest. She lived in Germany, he in Australia, and they began questing, and moved onto messageboards, and eventually met up, moved across the world, then recently married.
Now my girlfriend is scared that I'll run off with some Level 32 Undead Shaman hussie in WoW. Seriously
If you've gone that far, you may as well tell her to cosplay as one.
That's the ZoinKs! method of interpersonal relationships.
On topic: Jeremy should've taken a digital photo of his buttocks and emailed it to his boss, his boss's boss, and the HR lady. (Why's the hr person always a woman? ) Subject line should read: "Kiss this!"
That's the ZoinKs! method of office politics.