I got my r9700

Might be due to the JPEG compression being too aggressive?

From a level of 1 - 100 in PSP 7 the compression level was set at 5.

I doubt the compression was too high - the original .bmp files are about 2 - 3 megabyte each... and I didn't want the dialup modem peeps to get a heart attack :)
Here are the new screenshots courtesy of jvd

Now these look tasty :)

Sorry for the late reply but I just got a new motherboard for my P4 and had to do a reinstall of two OS's which didn't go so smoothly initially. :)



okay , one of these is 1024,768 4fssa 16aniso [top shot] the other is 800x 600 4fsaa 16 aniso [bottom shot]
this is a fresh install of my system and the drivers are the right ones. i have no clue why the driver panal is wrong, but its wierd , its wrong on monitor 1 and then monitor 2 its fine ????? I have two diffrent panals . I will install again and see whats up

edit : doh i can't spell at all . I remember why i was using the old control panel , its because i can't use my dual monitor support on the new panel for some reason. IF you want i will take a screen shot of my driver panel.
jvd dude

what do you think of your Radeon 9700? Does it feel different to the previous card you had? Are you satisfied with the upgrade? Did you expect more or has it surpassed your expectations?

well it feel alot faster than the ti 4600. The image quality is much much better. The drivers except for the multi monitor support work well , tv out and what not all work fine. This launch was much better than the 8500 launch. Every game I've been able to play with max settings except but i was never a fan of fsaa. Although i now use it all the time because it doesn't slow my system to a halt. Next month i will be getting an athlon xp 2600 and i think that will speed up my system . I'm currently using a 1700. As I've said if you want to see anything as long as it has a demo i will do it for you. I borrowed Never winter nights from my friend for those pics. So if you want more from that let me know he wants it back by tommorow. I should be getting morrow wind from my other friend tonight .
I still don't get why you aren't running at 1280x1024..that is the highest resolution the text is readable on my 19" for NwN...is it because you have a smaller monitor? I find performance silky smooth at 40 fps and above (20 fps is "smooth enough") because of the viewpoint, and I encounteer that performance at 1280 on my 8500 with absolutely every graphic detail maxxed and my usual tweaking for extra details... I'd think the 9700 could handle it a bit better. ;) I think one of your problems is that you haven't gotten used to the idea that higher resolutions are workable for you, or atleast I assume that with all the 800x600 screenshots.
In your NWN shots the objects are not casting any shadows. It looks a little bit odd.

My recommendation: I want to see GP4 ;)
misae said:
In your NWN shots the objects are not casting any shadows. It looks a little bit odd.

My recommendation: I want to see GP4 ;)

Well, the shadows are faint if they are well lit by another source. The only thing that looks odd to me is that bench. I did tweak my settings and I may have extended the number of shadows rendered a bit (I think I have it at 3 light shadows maximum)...I'm assuming the rest of the difference between the quality of images I'm used to is due to resolution. I think they did a good job in balancing towards realism (or atleast the impression of it) instead of artificial exaggeration...I've seen for myself grossly (and realistically) large and distorted shadows from a light's holder cast beneath it, but that is only if there is an absence of other lighting.
i have a cheap 19 inch , but i dunno , i can move from it but i never really do
i play quake 3 at 1600x1200 but really nwns text is far to hard to read at anything above 800x600