I got my DS Lite today!

fearsomepirate said:
Really? Outside of Tyrian, which is a highly Westernized approach to the genre (extremely large health bar, all kinds of crazy upgrades and weapons), I don't think I've really seen top-down shooters do this.
I haven't played many shooters, but at least Raptor and Xenon 2 also allow you to buy weapons and upgrade your ship. I remember a few games where you have to collect weapons. And I think it's a crucial part of these games (besides, the banana blast is just awesome :D).
ot and delusional

i think many western attempts at classic genres, e.g. scroller shooters, where the latter have inherently little to do with inventory gaining, have this extra 'collect/upgrade' element in them, which can be seen as an attempt to compensate for the fact that the western rpgs, the one true 'collect/upgrade' genre, mostly suck ; )

say no to upgrades!
--darkblu, since recently non-upgrading
Xmas said:
I haven't played many shooters, but at least Raptor and Xenon 2 also allow you to buy weapons and upgrade your ship. I remember a few games where you have to collect weapons. And I think it's a crucial part of these games (besides, the banana blast is just awesome :D).

Wasn't Tyrian made by the same team that made Raptor or does my memory deceive me?
hupfinsgack said:
Wasn't Tyrian made by the same team that made Raptor or does my memory deceive me?
No, Tyrian was from Safari Software/Eclipse Productions and published by Epic MegaGames, while Raptor is from Cygnus/Mountain King Studios/Apogee.

darkblu said:
i think many western attempts at classic genres, e.g. scroller shooters, where the latter have inherently little to do with inventory gaining, have this extra 'collect/upgrade' element in them, which can be seen as an attempt to compensate for the fact that the western rpgs, the one true 'collect/upgrade' genre, mostly suck ; )

say no to upgrades!
--darkblu, since recently non-upgrading
Nah, I just think the choice of weapons in Nanostray is too limited. The ability to buy and upgrade weapons adds a strategic element, and collecting or buying extras is certainly nothing inherently "western".
I absolutely loved Xenon 2 - it is one of those games where the graphics are so good that you want to keep playing the game just to see what comes next. Playing it on CaSTaway on my PSP reminded me that it still looks awesome, like Gods. The latter game was slightly better because the difficulty was just right - for me anyway, because I finished it, unlike Xenon 2 which I couldn't manage. Blood Money is also a lovely game to look at (and great 2 player fun), sadly enough it seems that the game has been lost - my discs no longer worked last time I checked (long time ago, still remember buying the original in Paris) and on the net only the demo can be found it seems.

Anyway, it's going to be interesting to see how the Lite will hold up. I have a feeling that a recent review of Nintendogs: Dalmatians on Eurogamer, with a reevaluation of the Nintendogs franchise, is somehow an apt description of the device itself. For me, the Gameboy never managed to thrill me. I'm an avid gamer, and I had the experience that some had in the early days of the PSP - the games on the Gameboy were basically the games I had played to death on machines like the Atari 800XL, and had a lot of trouble to even match the Atari ST games (and later Amiga) I played to death. The GB, GBA, SP, they really never had anything to offer me.

The DS is saved to some extent by its stylus, but other than that it feels like the games on it are really reliving the SNES days, just with a new controller. With the PSP I am partly worried that the same will happen closer to home, but partly I don't mind, because a lot of the games that are good on the current gen and a lot of its potential makes it to the PSP, and contrary to some, I'm perfectly happy with that - the games offer a lot of depth and fun. A game like Burnout Legends, which I'm not ready to play anymore on the PS2, is more than good enough for me on the PSP, on the go or against friends. And for 20 euros, not bad. Daxter is an awesome little game as well, and Loco Roco really stole my heart (and nearly everyone else's that's played the downloadable demo, I think). The system's got loads of potential and it's just warming up. The list of good games is growing very steadily, average scores have already overtaken the DS since late last year, and there are some awesome titles on the horizon - at least, for me (even those horrible 'ports' like MGS or Tekken, man, I'd get a PSP for Tekken alone).

I don't see the same kind of future for the DS Lite, but I could be wrong. I really don't feel it's getting all that many good games though. Initially, I didn't think this was a big problem, as I expected the system not to compete with the PSP, placing itself in a lower segment of the market, like the Wii. But the DS Lite is only 40 euros less expensive than the PSP, with the latter having a great number of additional features too that are really good (it's AVC playback and Browser are really rather good, I especially use the latter a lot, though even an UMD disc like Final Fantasy VII gets a lot of playtime).

But the previous generation of handheld gaming created its own market, and therefore the current generation of gamers are prepped for the kind of jump that the DS provides. The stylus has added to expand the market to non-gamers, and the PSP has expanded the handheld market to a different kind of adult gamer.

The current handheld market has plenty of room for two handhelds (or even three, looking at the GBA sales), so there's really no problem. I similarly expect the three next-gen consoles to do fine, and even the PC market may crawl back up. The games industry keeps growing and growing, and diversifying in the process, reaching an ever expanding market.

I'm still looking forward to seeing a title that makes me want the DS Lite though. But even if that never happens, it's no problem, as for every gamer like me there are probably two people who will drool over Zelda on the DS Lite. :)
:?: How did that turn into compare it to the PSP thread? IMHO, we've had enough of them already.

BTW, does anyone have some import suggestions? How is Jump Superstars?
How did that turn into compare it to the PSP thread?

Insecure ******s, as usual with threads derailed into pointless system comparisons...

BTW, does anyone have some import suggestions? How is Jump Superstars?

Both JSS and Bleach are awesome, but are not "classical" fighters. You will really need a FAQ to progress into the story/missions (both games rely on achieving certain goals, not just beating the enemy).

If you import, I would also suggest Daigasso : Band Brothers (Jam with the Band) and of course Ooendan.
Corwin_B said:
Both JSS and Bleach are awesome, but are not "classical" fighters. You will really need a FAQ to progress into the story/missions (both games rely on achieving certain goals, not just beating the enemy).

No problem here, I speak Japanese at least somewhat. Ok, I should say can read it just fine.

If you import, I would also suggest Daigasso : Band Brothers (Jam with the Band) and of course Ooendan.

Already got Ouendan. Really cool game. How does Daigasso compare to it?
hupfinsgack said:
No problem here, I speak Japanese at least somewhat. Ok, I should say can read it just fine.

That's great ! You are in for a treat with both JSS and Bleach, then.

Already got Ouendan. Really cool game. How does Daigasso compare to it?

It's very different. It doesn't use the touchscreen much, but instead requires you to use all buttons and the cross to play the various tunes. There is a wide selection of tunes (over 40, iirc) ranging from J-pop to classical music and Nintendo soundtracks, and if that's not enough, you can get the add-on (a GBA cartridge), which adds a lot of tunes.
hupfinsgack said:
:?: How did that turn into compare it to the PSP thread? IMHO, we've had enough of them already.

Never mind, it was just my post, and it was late (though considering that, my post seems reasonably fair at least).

I just read these "celebrate my new DS Lite" threads because I'm still wondering about the appeal of the system. But I've seen enough DS vs PSP threads to know better than writing posts that could send another one in that direction, so I humbly apologise, and will continue to wonder and study in silence. ;)
Bought a white Lite today, to add to my pair of PSPs. Didn't buy a game, waiting for NSMB to come out here on Friday, but wishing I had. Like Xmas, I wish the basic 'OS' did a bit more like note jotting or reminders/alarm.

It's very small, definitely prefer holding the PSP. I have a hard time reconciling how I hold my PSP and 360 pads to how I hold the Lite, and the shoulder buttons seem like they'll be the worst to press during a game. D-pad is too small. And this is coming from someone with tiny girl hands :LOL:

Screens seem great though and stylus accuracy is excellent, just what I was hoping for. Can't wait for NSMB (the reason I bought it) and I think it'll be an excellent compliment to my PSPs in terms of game styles, so I get the best of both worlds.

I'm a nub here, since I've not owned a Nintendo console since the SNES, but is there's a version of SMB3 that'll play on the Lite? Would love to revisit that, too, and SMW and Yoshi's if possible. Love my Mario 2D platformers!
Rys said:
I'm a nub here, since I've not owned a Nintendo console since the SNES, but is there's a version of SMB3 that'll play on the Lite? Would love to revisit that, too, and SMW and Yoshi's if possible. Love my Mario 2D platformers!

Yoshi's Island 2 is in the making for the DS. Here a little preview to whet your appetite. Since the E3 build was apparently quite far along, I'd suspect an late 2006 release.
Rys said:
I'm a nub here, since I've not owned a Nintendo console since the SNES, but is there's a version of SMB3 that'll play on the Lite? Would love to revisit that, too, and SMW and Yoshi's if possible. Love my Mario 2D platformers!

Both SMB3 and Yoshi's Island were redone on the GBA, so you can use them on the DSLite.
Should have known there was a set for the GBA :oops: God bless eBay!
Whoah! By pure luck it seems I managed to snag both Castlevania DS and Nanostray (first aforementioned 2nd hand, the other brand new for a new cheap price), plus I also got Metroid Hunters, again brand new for cheap! Since I took a nice walk home from the city center (took 3 hours, haha), I've not been able to play any of these except I put in Nanostray in my DS almost as soon as I got it just to see what it was like.

Looks nice! I love the title screen, doing 3D graphics on both screens, which I understand is pretty unique. Played it for maybe 30 seconds, didn't really get that big an impression of it, but it looks nice.

Castlevania and Nanostray together cost me about SKR625, which while perhaps not exactly cheap, means I got 2 NDS games for less than the standard launch price of one xbox 360 game. Now, if these cheap(ish) prices had been STANDARD price, instead of roughly SKR445-495 per DS title as it is today, people would be able to buy more titles, and thus, more money made for everybody involved.