I got my DS Lite today!

Guden Oden

Senior Member
It's even more beautiful than I had dared to hope for. The shiny, partly transparent surface finish doesn't come out properly in pictures, it pretty much has to be seen in person. This is particulary true for the white unit I might add.

Speaking of white, it really does look awesome. I was almost sure I would choose black, but seeing the two with my own eyes it was clear white was the way to go. No pun intended by the way. Smudges, and undoubtedly in the future, scratches, simply don't stand out the way they do on the black version.

The ergonomics are pretty good. It feels heavier than I expected, which is both good and bad. Good, because it makes it feel solid and high-quality. Bad, because it might be tiring in the long run, but since all DS games can be paused by simply closing the unit it's easy to take a break at any time even during a hectic boss battle to rest worn-out wrists and fingers.

The face buttons are pretty small, considerably smaller than I expected. I don't have all that big hands so I have no problems operating the controls, but maybe they could have been a tad larger without breaking the stylish look of the unit. Just to satisfy those who DO have big mitts. The D-pad feels great even though that too is fairly small, it has that precise Nintendo feel of old when digital controls ruled supreme. In fact, the small D-pad of the Lite feels much like the NES digital cross, something I heard Nintendo spent thousands of manhours designing. All that research certainly paid off more than 20 years later!

People always mention the new screens when they talk about the DS Lite, and yes, they are bright. Very bright, and nice and everything. It's important though to keep the unit pointed pretty much straight at the user tho, because aimed too high, the image starts to wash out, and too low it fades into darkness. Side-to-side, it works fairly OK. The image fades there too, but at least it doesn't start to polarize like can happen with many other LCD screens. These are clearly of good quality. My unit had no dead/stuck subpixels either I might add.

Unfortunately I picked not very exciting games. They were all out on Metroids, so I quickly realized Brain Age sucks, and Phoenix Whatsisname is kind of tedious, but maybe the pace picks up in later missions. I only played the edit: FIRST one, and didn't really get the hang of it until fairly late. Maybe it would have helped reading the manual first, but hey... Manuals are for wussies! :LOL:

I'd wanted to get Electroplankton and New SMB instead of these dud-ish titles, but unfortunately neither are released (yet) in euroland! Neither is Nanostray I might add. Oh well. I intend to keep this thing for a long good while, so I'm sure I'll build up a decent set of titles for it eventually. There's always homebrew also of course.

So in closing, this friggin thing rocks! Outstanding build quality and design, only thing really that's missing is a springloaded hatch over the DS cartslot, other than that the DS Lite is pretty feature-complete. Only weird thing is the on-board firmware shows an image of the phat DS in the config menus, but that doesn't really have any impact on the unit.

Guden-Rating: 18! (0-20)
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Phoenix wright is one of the best games for DS -- honestly, it kicks the crap out of NSMB!

Brain age is kind of boring though, no doubt...

I was actually kind of disappointed with NSMB, it felt too much like a nostalgia ride rather than playing some new game (it's still fun, no doubt, but I could just as easily pop open SMB3 or SMW and be just as well off).

I'm glad you like it - I'm happy with mine as well. I'm stuck trying to figure out what games I missed now though...
Bobbler said:
Phoenix wright is one of the best games for DS -- honestly, it kicks the crap out of NSMB!

Brain age is kind of boring though, no doubt...

I kind of liked BrainAge. It found it pretty funny. Apparently, it unleashed a "Sudoku" spree within me. Moreover, it is sg that is really nice to kill 5min.

Phoenix Wright is also among my favourite DS titles.

Some other suggestions:

Advance Wars
Bobbler said:
Phoenix wright is one of the best games for DS -- honestly, it kicks the crap out of NSMB!
Well, the first mission wasn't all that cool I thought, but I understand you get to look for clues and stuff in those later on. Only 5 in total is a bit lame tho I have to say...

I was actually kind of disappointed with NSMB, it felt too much like a nostalgia ride rather than playing some new game
Hm, isn't that what the game is SUPPOSED to be? :) Sort of "New OLD SMB"...? :LOL: I wouldn't mind a nostalgia ride at all! I used to love SMB back in '86 or so.

but I could just as easily pop open SMB3 or SMW and be just as well off
I sure hope they do a New "OLD" SMW also, coz SMW really was incredible when I first played it. What an amazing game...

I'm glad you like it - I'm happy with mine as well.
You got yours on launch day?
Guden Oden said:
You got yours on launch day?

Yea I got mine a couple sundays ago (US). I like it a lot, but it has sort of made me realize that I don't particularly like portable gaming (which I think is why I like my PSP a bit more -- it doesn't feel like a portable, more like just another console).

I know I need to get Castlevania and probably Trauma Center (if I could find it for a reasonable price).

I picked up that mario & luigi: partners in time... it's really a cheeseball rpg, but it has a few funny moments (Stuffwell -- the suitcase -- rocks).
Look what I got tonight for only $30:


My wife has seen the commercials and she is starting to get the itch for doing a trade in on her barely-used GBA to pick up one of these. I think it's the styling of the unit itself (the white one) that has attracted her so much to wanting one.

How backwards compatible is the DS? How far back does it go? She has numerous GB, GBC, and a few GBA games she wants to be able to keep and play. I told her that I think it would play most of them but I haven't really kept up on the details of it all really.

Also she's into puzzle games and I think games like Brain Age and Trauma Center, which I have read reviews of recently, would really be her thing.

The only reason the GBA hasn't seen much action is that not long after we got it and both got our game on we realized that we could only play for so long before wrist/hand tendon strain set in from having to hold onto the unit at such an akward angle with our hands so close together.

I just think she would be able to use the DS stylus for much longer periods than getting plain ol' button mashing games.

Thanks for the review.
ripvanwinkle said:
How backwards compatible is the DS? How far back does it go?
It runs GBA games, but not the earlier ones. Besides, it would look crazy with a huge GB/C cart sticking out of the Lite, more of the cart would be exposed than inside the unit, if it snagged on something it could get pulled out and possibly damage the hardware. Tell your wife to keep her GBA for the old titles she still likes to play.

Also she's into puzzle games and I think games like Brain Age and Trauma Center, which I have read reviews of recently, would really be her thing.
I hear trauma center is a cool game, I want to get that one too, but now I've blown too much money already so it'll have to wait. :LOL: What's cool about Phoenix Wright for example is it's so well suited to play for a while and then put down when you gotta do something else for a while, then pick up again later. It seems quite a few DS games are like that, seems they suit us older gamers better than the tense action games of old with very long levels full of hazards and enemies flying around and stuff. :)

The only reason the GBA hasn't seen much action is that not long after we got it and both got our game on we realized that we could only play for so long before wrist/hand tendon strain set in from having to hold onto the unit at such an akward angle with our hands so close together.
It's important to remember with the Lite when it is held with one hand and stylus in the other to keep your fingers extended under the bottom of the unit and not pinch around just the corner/side where your hand is. This makes for a much more relaxed playing position. Also, right-handed people have a slight advantage, because the battery is mounted on the right side and heavier than the components on the left side in the DS. So if you're a lefty, it's extra important to keep the unit supported from beneath or the battery will create extra leverage on your hand...

It's not that it's excessively heavy or anything, in all it only weighs something like 130g at most I think. It's just that when folded out and held for an extended while the muscles in one's hand will start to tire if the unit is held with too small a grip. Something to keep in mind, that's all. :)
DS games worth considering (out in Euroland) :
- Animal Crossing is pretty awesome if you are into that kind of games
- Metroid Prime is a pretty solid game
- Tetris DS
- Mario Kart is a DS must-have
- Mario & Luigi : Partners in Time is an excellent RPG into the world of Mario, very funny and nice to play (it's a follow-up to the GBA hit Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, awesome too)
- Meteos is another must-have, very fast gameplay and good touchscreen use
- Nanostray is out in Europe (and just received a price cut here in France)
- Wario Ware Touched, the collection of extremely fast and silly minigames is pretty fun
- Project Rub (Feel the Magic) and The Rub Rabbits! are two very quirky games from Sega, which feel a bit like Wario Ware. The 2nd one has a better replay value.
- Trauma Center is an excellent game, but is very hard
- Viewtiful Joe is more puzzle-centric than the 2 GC/PS2 episodes, but has awesome graphics and very innovating touchscreen uses
- Another Code (Trace Memory) is a good adventure game which has some very creative uses of the touchscreen and microphone, but is extremely short. If you can pick it for a low price, give it a go.
- Castlevania : Dawn of Sorrow is absolutely incredible

After that, there is always import. :)
Guden, I buy all my DS games here and here, don't feed Bergsala, the greedy lazy capitalist pigs, they need to die.
You get your games before and much cheaper, in addition if you buy at VG+, you get the neat US/CA black covers that has the same thickness as a normal DVD cover.

I have a problem with the diagonals on my lite d-pad, I need to press them quite a bit harder than the straight directions and sometimes they have sort of a clicky feeling to them.
This is just not acceptable for a game like AC where you almost exclusively use diagonals.
I seriously consider getting it exchanged on Monday.
Does anyone else have problems with the d-pad?
Corwin_B said:
- Project Rub (Feel the Magic) and The Rub Rabbits! are two very quirky games from Sega, which feel a bit like Wario Ware. The 2nd one has a better replay value.
- Another Code (Trace Memory) is a good adventure game which has some very creative uses of the touchscreen and microphone, but is extremely short. If you can pick it for a low price, give it a go.

Those three are definitely rental only, as they are very short and offer no replay value.
I you're after a good stab at the adventure genre on the DS I can definitely recommend Another Code, really nice little game, but don't pay full price for it now.
And no one has mentioned Advance Wars because...?

I love Advance Wars DS. I can't beat the main game for the life of me, but there are craploads of individual maps, 4-person multiplayer on a single DS, single-cart multi, and, of course, absolutely fantastic gameplay. When I play DS, this is what I play. If you ever played Panzer General back in the day, AW is similer in concept.

And have you seen the new video for Mechassault: Phantom War? Looks great.
fearsomepirate said:
And no one has mentioned Advance Wars because...?

I love Advance Wars DS. I can't beat the main game for the life of me, but there are craploads of individual maps, 4-person multiplayer on a single DS, single-cart multi, and, of course, absolutely fantastic gameplay. When I play DS, this is what I play. If you ever played Panzer General back in the day, AW is similer in concept.

Hey, I did mention it. :p Anyay, for people liking strategy Advance Wars is a must, Age of Empires is also quite a good game, I hear.
I bought a white DS Lite yesterday, along with four games: Mario & Luigi, Trauma Center, Nanostray and Splinter Cell, the latter two being half price (£15). So far I've only played Mario & Luigi for an hour or two, and Nanostray for a few minutes.

The unit itself is beautiful, a bit heavier than you would expect, and has to be held quite loosely to feel comfortable. The brightness of the screens is really good. Though it doesn't mean you can play outside on a sunny day, since they are quite reflective as well. You better be fond of your own face, because you will stare at it quite often when a game fades to black.

It's a huge disappointment that there is no way to control brightness while playing a game. It is somewhat understandable in that older games are not aware of the DS Lite's brightness settings, but they could have added a button or something for brightness control. I hope newer games will detect a DS Lite and support in-game brightness settings.

The D-pad is quite good, and the arrangement of the face buttons is perfect for my thumb. Big enough to press them individually, but close enough to press multiple buttons at the same time which is pretty helpful sometimes. The start and select buttons could be larger though, even if they aren't used as much. Using the touchscreen with the stylus works like a charm.

It's a shame the built-in software is so limited. I'd love to be able to take small notes or add reminders to the calendar.
Interface nitpick: Why does the settings menu not have a text description of the icon that is currenty selected (before selecting it)? Why does the box saying "The system will now shut down" flicker? And if I have to shut down when closing Pictochat or the system settings, why would I need an option to close them at all?

On to the games:
As I said before, I only spent a few minutes on Nanostray. It seems to be a fine shooter, but me not being used to handhelds and even less 2D shooters (the last one I played was Tyrian), it can be quite hard. I'm a bit disappointed by the (as it seems) small and fixed selection of weapons. Collecting/buying plenty of different weapons often is one of the main motivating points.
I am all for games using the touchscreen, but I'd prefer not to use it with my fingers as long as there are unused buttons that can serve the same purpose. It really wouldn't have been hard to use the Y button to switch weapons...

Mario & Luigi has been very entertaining so far. It's just a bit annoying that you can't skip the tutorial style parts.

btw, Guden, the battery is on the left side... ;)
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Xmas said:
Collecting/buying plenty of different weapons often is one of the main motivating points.
Really? Outside of Tyrian, which is a highly Westernized approach to the genre (extremely large health bar, all kinds of crazy upgrades and weapons), I don't think I've really seen top-down shooters do this.
fearsomepirate said:
Really? Outside of Tyrian, which is a highly Westernized approach to the genre (extremely large health bar, all kinds of crazy upgrades and weapons), I don't think I've really seen top-down shooters do this.

Alpha Mission II on Neo Geo had an incredible weapon upgrade system (combo of ship hull and specific upgrades). IIRC, TwinBee had the Bell weapon upgrade system, and Axelay had a pretty complex weapon system too. There are probably more, but I haven't checked my classical sh'mups in a while.