I got an owie fixing my tractor again...


Dang it. I always end up bleeding working on my tractor, but yesterday I really pulled a stupid. Thanks to a sticky shift lever and a really sharp bit of sheet metal I managed to slice the tip of my index finger off. :?

Only about 1/8-1/4", just enough to expose all the raw nerve endings. I sort of passed out when my wife tried to put a band aid on it, (it really hurt), so we sort of made the band aid cover it without touching it just to protect it a bit.

I was up all night because every time I rolled over I woke up in screaming pain. :?

This morning I sat down with some antibiotic creme, gauze pads, and band aid tape and did a proper job on it. It actually doesn't hurt right now and I'm pretty bloody over-joyed about it! :D


And thanks to a bit of a headache and some extry tape I found a way to make me life a lot more pleasant today:


(Before Epic or Poppi runs to call child services on me I should point out the last shot is a joke my kids had fun posing for an not actually how I keep them quiet...I haven't found anyway to keep them quiet)
You're not helping my motivation to replace my fiance's brake shoes. As if the brake dust wasn't enough of a deterrent...
Crusher said:
You're not helping my motivation to replace my fiance's brake shoes. As if the brake dust wasn't enough of a deterrent...
Ugh, brake pads? Don't get me started! I had a buddy who did delivers who went thru pads about once a month, it got to the point where we could replace them in 15 minutes from start to finish.

Just pay attention to what you're doing. I was an idiot and was listening to my mp3 player rather than watching my ass, and I consider it a real cheap reminder.