I get the feeling...

Cartoon Corpse said:
try being a nonchristian/religious person. then you'll KNOW what 'not liked' is all about. the frauds love to make up excuses to abuse/destroy others. what goes on in forums isn't anything significant compared to having your life destroyed by someone who pretends to know god. but you folks never realize that.
Question? Who in the heck mentioned anything about god? :???:
This thread has officially been derailed.

Back OT:
I love you Rev.
Sometimes I love you more than Carmack.
No one has contributed more to this site than Dave, followed by you Rev.
digitalwanderer said:
Younger than me.

Hey! I thought that was my job. :oops:
So hes atleast 50 or younger;)
Hehe, I Don't think I'm going to be posting more that this $.02 in this thead...
Who cares? If you are that sensative to what other peoples views of you are, maybe you should move on. I personally don't think you should. You have your style, and the other forumers should accept that (like it or not). You left badly IMHO, but that's water under the bridge, so stop posting "me" threads, and lets get back to more important nonsense! :devilish:
digitalwanderer said:
Question? Who in the heck mentioned anything about god? :???:

his tag is "reverend". and i think i remember slamming him like i do all the religious types. i MUST make sure they all hear actual perspective of some of their adversaries, instead of (as usual) making it up for us themselves.
Cartoon Corpse said:
his tag is "reverend". and i think i remember slamming him like i do all the religious types. i MUST make sure they all hear actual perspective of some of their adversaries, instead of (as usual) making it up for us themselves.
I never thought of "Reverend" in a religious sense, it's just another handle to me. :oops:
digitalwanderer said:
I never thought of "Reverend" in a religious sense, it's just another handle to me. :oops:

now.... lay down on that couch and describe what you mean be Reverenad being your "handle".....:LOL:

/me thinks we hit the motherlode here ;)
digitalwanderer said:
I never thought of "Reverend" in a religious sense, it's just another handle to me. :oops:

oh well if im wrong. then disregard. but i thought he recently posted about christianity/judaism as being 'real'....and im going to hell, yada, yada, yada

well if they can say that (among other things), they can certainly hear what i to say on the matter for myself.+-
Cartoon Corpse said:
his tag is "reverend". and i think i remember slamming him like i do all the religious types.
You must mistake me for someone else.

I stay clear of posting religious stuff. It's, uh, against my religion.

i MUST make sure they all hear actual perspective of some of their adversaries, instead of (as usual) making it up for us themselves.
"adversaries"? You just described, in one word, what's wrong with everyone on this planet. Not sure if you're joking but I always thought it was fine (a must, even) to have a "me against you" mentality when it comes to making money but that it should be a "me and you" when it comes to religion.
Reverend said:
... I'm not liked very much here.

I suppose what I did (via forum and site postings here and elsewhere) when I quit this site a long time ago has a lot to do with this. It also probably has to do with the way I post stuff here after I quit (and I do mean the way, and not the contents of my posts).

The reason for this post/thread is not egoistical; I want to continue to participate in this community but I know I have strange ways of posting my comments, ways that I think most here think are not very agreeable.

I don't foresee that I can or will change in the way I post here.

Should I stop being a part of this community? Am I a "destructive" forum participant?

Hi Rev,

I've been visiting this site for a long time... The impression that I have gotten, is that you would like to be in the spotlight again. It seems that sometimes you drop names to remind us that you are still important and are valuable to the community. The thing is, you don't need to do this. It can be interesting to hear some tidbit of industry information if you've heard it, but you don't need to use your contacts to impress us. The people I respect and value the most in this community are those who study, learn, and then share their knowledge with the rest of us. Insider industry information is nice, but often times it is somewhat irrelevant without context.

If you want to be on my most respected list, share your knowledge of 3D graphics with us. Study new problems or techniques that are being discovered, and write about them. Engage other people on this forum to study themselves so that we can improve our collective pool of knowledge and become just a bit wiser in the process.

digitalwanderer said:
Ha-ha! You're OLD!!!! (I don't turn 40 until April 6th next year :p )
Stop making fun of John.

Why? (No insult intended, I'm honestly curious how you got that moniker)
I was actually talking about why folks tend to include "The" in front of my moniker. As for the handle, I'd explained it in these forums in the past. I wanted to join a Quake DM, was wondering what handle to use because I see all these folks with incredible-sounding handles, looked around for inspiration and saw a Bible nearby (no, I'm not a Christian... I like good stprybooks, that's all), thought for a while and it was either "One" or "Reverend". In hindsight, I'm glad I chosed the latter, otherwise I'd take the limelight away from Neo.