Retailers know this and will punish the manufacturers. You only have to look at the initial retailers' response to the PSP Go to predict the retailers mood for a DD only console where there exist a proven DD only profit model for retailers.
PSP go is a poor example. A better example would be kindle or nook. Both are DD only devices and both are being pushed by thier retailers. Barnes and nobles knows there is more money to be made through nook than through retail books.
Retailers would take a much tougher stance against the introduction of DD in such an abrupt fashion. They will demand a profit margin that either force manufacturers to notably increase retail prices or force a higher level of subidization.
The profit margin for a retailer on a game is $5 usd here in the states. There is no reason why DD can't provide the same for the retailer with less risk.
You think the big three would leave the quality of their service to their userbase? You think ISP are going to take kindly to dealing with 5000 PB of P2P data running around the internet because the big 3 want to save on bandwidth costs?
Please don't leave out important information.
I never said to dump it all on P2P but a portion can be moved to P2P while the rest is handled by dedicated servers.
Optical media is still the number one way the market consumers video entertainment because of that the DVD drive in the 360 and BluRay drive in the PS3 functions more than just media storage for games.
DVD is dieing and bluray is doing a poor job of replacing it. The vast majority of bluray players are nw including DDoptions. Both the 360 and ps3 not only have netflix streaming but also have thier own video stores. Apple has its own store now als.
. DD only on consoles are an unknown. MS, Sony nor Nintendo know how going DD only will affect retailers as well as consumers. The last place you want to deal with this is the launch of a new console. Its simply more feasible to wait to DD grows on your existing optical based consoles as well as the overall market in general before transitioning to DD only. A slower transition provides knowledge about the market acceptance of the delivery method before you actually commit yourself 100% to the delivery method.
Microsoft already knows how DD wll do. They have been testing it since the start of the generation and slowly but surely sales are going up for it and gamesizes are going up. From 50MB in 2005 to 8 gigs in 2009 .
Buy including optical formats in the console you are destroying the benfits of DD