Hype and review scores.

Ozy: What's the benefit of using dual-analog, in your mind?

Is it for fighting, for exploration.. or for both? Frankly, exploration doesn't require constant movement.. and for fighting.. what's "shoot" in your proposed setup? Th' L-Trigger is used up as "lock-on" (absolutely required for Metroid Prime) and R is your modifier. Z is the map, but it's out of the way.. not much of an option. The A button (or any of the face buttons) can't be your shooting button unless you intend to stop looking around (i.e. taking your thumb off the C-Stick) to shoot, which of course virtually defeats the purpose of using dual-analog.

Which brings me to my next question: Is this argument some sort of early April Fools joke? :rolleyes:
The reason it's considered FPA rather than FPS is REALLY obscenely simple.

In a game like HALO, you really can't afford to skip fighting enemies. They'll plug you from behind repeatedly. You can do it if you rush like a madman, but you'll still take heavy fire, and you'll probably end up dying often.

In Metroid Prime, OTOH, most rooms you can definitely skip all the enemies, just run straight through. :) And you don't have to worry about dying (most of the time).

HALO levels are generally VERY linear, there's one way through and you have to take it, otherwise you won't get anything done.

Metroid Prime allows you much more freedom, many (not all, or most, but many) rooms have multiple paths, and clever minipuzzles which reward you with things like missile expansions. Also there are a good few rooms with multiple exits... though there should've been more of those. Oh well.

Then there's another thing... in HALO you have the same armour and general weapons capacity ALL THE TIME. In theory you're no stronger at the end than you were at the start - not counting collectible weapons which are scripted to be stronger at the end.

Metroid Prime starts you off obscenely weak, and as you progress you get stronger weapons, stronger armour, special attacks (beam combos), more and more missiles...

Oh, and about "When you have to stop every time you want to look around, that doesn't make for a very smooth-playing game. " By the time you're looking around, dual-analogue would be meaningless. Stopping to look around breaks the flow no matter how the game's controls work, and while moving you probably won't notice quite as much detail as while holding still.

And the idea behind the crosspad and C-stick's default controls, is you can switch from any weapon to any other weapon and any visor to any other visor instantly, without having to cycle through a list... and you can do both at the same time with near zero effort.
Blade said:
Ozy: What's the benefit of using dual-analog, in your mind?

Is it for fighting, for exploration.. or for both? Frankly, exploration doesn't require constant movement.. and for fighting.. what's "shoot" in your proposed setup? Th' L-Trigger is used up as "lock-on" (absolutely required for Metroid Prime) and R is your modifier. Z is the map, but it's out of the way.. not much of an option. The A button (or any of the face buttons) can't be your shooting button unless you intend to stop looking around (i.e. taking your thumb off the C-Stick) to shoot, which of course virtually defeats the purpose of using dual-analog.

Which brings me to my next question: Is this argument some sort of early April Fools joke? :rolleyes:

Actually, using the R-trigger for shoot and the Z button as the modifier would probably be better. Put the map in the "Start" menu as far as I'm concerned :)

I feel that it'd be better for fighting AND exploration. And what do you mean exploration doesn't require constant movement?
If you're searching for clues in the average room, you can stand in one place with the Scan visor and look around.

You don't have to constantly be in motion.. it's not required. :)

As I said before, though.. this is coming from somebody who beat the game and didn't have any qualms with the controls.

But whatever, I personally still find the controls nearly perfect for the game (after playing 28+ hours) so I'm never going to be able to agree with ya, Ben. No opinion is universal.

Which brings us to Nintendo/Retro's abject failure when it comes to controls. NO REAL CUSTOMIZATION. That is why Halo's controls are overall vastly superior. All the different ways Johnny, Ozy and myself would like to see implemented all could be if the developers did not decide that They were all knowing and would dictate what everyone wanted. Having a customize control scheme would have completely eliminated the big issue people have. They allow you to invert the Y axis and swap the beam/visor selectors, they couldn't have spent the extra few hours to eliminate what is clearly an issue for some people? You yourself said, 'No opinion is universal', so why then did Nintendo and Retro assume that theirs' was? Obviously, they were wrong.
I don't like MP :( I still prefer playing MF. I think FP Metroid sux. I want Nintendo to make 2D Metroid for GC, that fill up the whole NGC disc with really huge creative levels :)
I am behind you on this one V3. I was underwhelmed by Metroid Prime as well. I don't think its anywhere near what it was cracked up to be.
I love this "its and FPA not an FPS" BS.

This sounds to me like Blockbuster guys telling me that Friday the 13th is a suspense title and therefore more like an action movie then a horror movie.

"like dude there is action and sh1t in it. So its like an action movie ho."

OK. So by that kind of reasoning Gone with the Wind is really a civil war action flick and not a romance drama.

See guys it all makes sense. It has SOME kind of action or adventure in it so it must be something NEW. Get over yourselves. Most games have some form of adventure in them. THe mere fact you are exploring the Ring World in Halo makes it an adventure (if you really want to be technical).

And what about RPGs? You are exploring whole worlds often. Should we call them RPAG? Role Playing adventure games? How much adventure is adventure enough to put "Adventure" in the title? What is adventure? Adventure is not a requirement nintendo f@nboy perogative is. :LOL: