More info here:
In the above site is a summary of the proof for a webkit coming to the PS3 plus some new information I haven't seen available on B3D. The key is;
Gstreamer, it's being used for the multi-media in the PS3 and most likely the NGP. It has features that lends it'self to supporting media and a Sony ecosystem. It is being used by Opera and Firefox to support HTML5 <video> and Opera has implemented SVG support for Gstreamer.
cairographics with Open GL or PSGL support will be used in the PS3 and NGP for the XMB and Webkit. Between the two, Gstreamer and Cairo, remote desktop and remote play should be easy to implement.
Gstreamer and Cairo support is a possible reason to not use a Chrome flavor webkit in the PS3 (Chrome does not support Gstreamer or Cairo). This might also impact the browser choice in Sony Android platforms. Possibly Opera will be used which supports Gstreamer and Gstreamer integrated with SVG graphics. Or
Sony might include Gstreamer in the Android platform and include their own webkit.
The player in the PS3 is most likely written by Sony using Gstreamer and was updated sometime around firmware 3.5 to support adaptive and trick playing. Sony would have written the H.264 codec optimized to use the Cell SPU as a plugin for Gstreamer. Any new applications or updates using Gstreamer would automatically use the proper plugin. For instance "Home" and any IPTV applications also using Gstreamer calls can access the new upper level Gstreamer player application. Netfront may have and probably still is benefiting from Gstreamer updates.
Collabora released an open source trick/adaptive streaming player based on Gstreamer at about the same time the PS3 player was updated. Collabora also has an open source video editor based on Gstreamer. If you look at the first graph in the
Gstreamer link it appear as if PS3 release and PS3 adaptive streaming release dates have peak commits/work on Gstreamer.
For Cairo and the PS3/NGP:
SNAP has a re-architected display model and backend based on Cairo evolving toward COLLADA over time. Our look and feel also includes navigation metaphors derived from standard Sony UX constructs such as our XrossMediaBar.
Sony is expecting to have Cairo evolve to use game assets (COLLADA). That to me means that Cairo will be used as the basic building block for (applications, desktop and possibly on-line games) the NGP and PS3. The front end (desktop) will be based on Cairo as will the webkit ports. An upper level Cairo library would be more efficient for remote desktop. PSGL would be used for games (NGP and PS3) and could allow select games to be played on the NGP and displayed on the PS3, it would help if assets, (collada library) would exist on each platform.
Edit: there is a HTML5 canvas vs. SVG for web pages and Raster vs vector graphics for game assets discussion in several articles.
Google search now indexes crawls svg files . Google now has a category to search for SVG web pages. Will there be SVG only browsers or is SVG such a desirable feature for some platforms that users may decide to use only SVG? The prevailing wisdom is that both pixel graphics and vector graphics have their place in the web and in games.
Doing a Google search for (webkit, Cairo, Gstreamer) brings up a GTK+ webkit version by Collabora. Collabora may have also provided the PS3 Gstreamer based player as well as much of the code for the video editor.
The GTK port of the WebKit HTML rendering engine has gained support for the HTML5 video element. The media backend, which uses GStreamer, was implemented by Pierre-Luc Beaudoin of Collabora. Developer Alp Toker integrated the backend with GTk/WebKit's Cairo graphics pipeline, making it possible for the video content to be embedded in SVG and manipulated with CSS and JavaScript.
Plans for GStreamer-based HTML5 video support in GTK/WebKit were initially revealed by Toker in September, when he published slides from his presentation at LinuxConf Europe.
As some of you may recall, support for the HTML5 video element was implemented experimentally for Firefox back in August.
The GTK/WebKit port appears to be maturing rapidly and offers some unique advantages over Firefox's Gecko rendering engine in certain contexts. GTK/WebKit is lightweight and less resource intensive than Gecko, which makes it a particularly good choice for mobile and embedded environments. GTK/WebKit will also eventually be a very good solution for GTK and GNOME applications that want lightweight embedded HTML rendering
Opera & Gstreamer HTML5 video.
"You have to understand that this goes far beyond just replacing Flash video players. That is the first step, but with video being a first class citizen in the DOM and not hidden in a sandbox, developers can style and play with the video data however they can imagine. You can spin, skew, colourise and even map it onto a 3D cube. Anything else on the page can change or interact with changes in the video. We’ll be able to invent new ways of annotating and commenting on videos, all without the use of Flash, and therefore inherently compatible with any OS and any device, including mobile phones."
Firefox implemented the first use of Gstreamer for HTML5 video (2008). Collabora (open source) and Opera now use Gstreamer integrated with the Cairo or SVG graphics pipeline for the HTML5 <video> tag. Sony and others will implement this. This may be one of the reason for Sony's choice to use Opera on their 2011 TV's and blu-ray players, Opera uses Gstreamer for HTML5 video support and integrates the video with 2D SVG.
The quotes above; " integrated the backend with GTk/WebKit's Cairo graphics pipeline, making it possible for the video content to be embedded in SVG and manipulated with CSS and JavaScript." and " You can spin, skew, colourise and even map it onto a 3D cube." describe something like the above video clip. It's just a series of pictures being manipulated, with Gstreamer, video streams can be manipulated the same way. It will be possible inside a webkit browser and on the PS3 XMB.
Edit: The two finger iOS ability to pinch and expand pictures really impressed me and I think Sony. With Cairo and Gstreamer this and more is possible. I expect this to be a part of updates and new platforms.
One of the ports below, in my opinion, is coming to the PS3.
So possibly a
GTK/Cairo/Gstreamer/Soup/Pongo port. (guess)
There is also now a
GTK/Cairo/Gstreamer/Clutter webkit port by Collabora. Which might lend it'self to a game platform more than any other Webkit port. (may use Pongo also but no information on that yet)
Both above would use the generic webkit javascript engine now in the PS3.
This still requires some form of X windows support or Direct FB (Direct Frame Buffer); so libraries for that? Big job!
New information Cairo used exclusively
GDK no longer wraps the antiquated X11 drawing API; we’ve made a clean break and exclusively rely on cairo for all our drawing needs now. This has also enabled us to remove several other X11-centric concepts such as GCs, colormaps and pixmaps. The hero who did most of this work is Benjamin Otte (Red Hat).
Advantages: more portable, cleaner code, faster - can optimise around Cairo.
There is a Cairo OpenGL version so with custom PSGL support for Cairo on the PS3 and NGP a smaller fully supported webkit is possible and at the same time an OpenGL (PSGL) Cairo library would then exist on the PS3 and could be used for multiple applications. If the Cairo library is active and being used for graphics in the XMB screen, it should be easy to open application windows including Webkit on the XMB.
Back to what is the NGP using?
Recently confirmed at GDC 2011 was that NGP and PS3 were going to use the same or similar PSGL programmable GPU and shader C libraries, the same toolkit chain and the same or similar Open Source OS libraries. This makes it easier for "C" portability between platforms. Since NGP appears to now have the libraries required for a webkit port, those libraries in NGP will most likely be ported to the PS3.
Clutter allows implicit animations of every item on the canvas using special objects called behaviours: each behaviour can be applied to multiple actors, and multiple behaviours can be composed on the same actor. Behaviours handle animations implicitly: the developer specifies the initial and final states, the time (or number of frames) needed to complete the animation, the function of time to be used (linear, sine wave, exponential, etc.), and the behaviour will take care of the tweening. Clutter provides a generic base class for developers to implement custom behaviours, and various simple classes handling simple properties, like opacity, position on the Z axis (depth), position along a path, rotation, etc.
Gstreamer integrated with Cairo's SVG both in and outside the browser on the PS3 and NGP! This could make for some interesting and unique features on the PS3 and NGP desktop using the strengths of both. We might see front ends blowing away the very attractive iOS and Android front ends.
Collabora is a consulting (by contract) firm that helps companies integrate open source libraries into their hardware and software products. Look at the open source projects at the bottom of the page, coming to the Sony ecosystem?