Theres software under Linux for everything you've just stated.
Editing Pictures - Gimp
Editing Video - Cinelerra
Linux itself has basically almost a mirror images of software that is commonly used on the PC front. This is probably because the programmers that needed this stuff on Windows decided to create programs that would be comparable to those that are on Windows.
Yup , how many window users own these programs .
Right basicly none . Which requires reinvesting in software . NOt only to learn linux but to learn the new apps and not only that but then a money issue with the reinvestment
Yes, I agree with you on this but you have to ask yourself how many general PC gamers have 6600 (and comparable ATI card) and above at this point in time? Also, look at the Xbox and Farcry, DoomIII and Half Life 2. How do they look and compare to their PC counterparts? Thats from 3 year old hardware compared to current PCs.
as with everything people upgrade. A person who is looking to play games will upgrade the pc when they need too . 6600 cards are now sub 100$ when the ps3 launches you will most likely be able to get 6800 non ultra performance for 100$ or less .
As for those games there is a huge diffrence if you've ever spent time with the games in question .
can't argue with you here because I don't know myself but not everyting should be Doom and Gloom (which you tend to bring up alot). Its as if you play devils advocate to everything CELL.
And what do you do ? Your a cheerleader for cell in this thread. People are giving the positives . Why shouldn't someone give the negatives .
Not only that but 512 megs of ram is nothing for someone who is going edit video . HOwever that is the hardcap for the ps3 at this time . So even if the cell itself is grat for video editing its going to be handicaped by ram .
Also storage is a problem. In a normal pc you can hook up 3 harrives. U can get a 8meg cache 7500 rpm drive for about 120$ now not only that but the 4th drive can be a rewritable dvd drive / bluray drive / hd-dvd drive .
That is another advantage .
You would have to go to usb for these things on the ps3 which are more expensive and most of the time lower
Yes, but with Linux they wouldn't have to re buy all that software they invested in. Also...using the PS3 as a PC doesn't mean they completley abandon XP and there former PC....its not like it vanishes...
Sure they will . If you buy a pc u get xp with office. Office isn't going to work on linux . You can run that emulation program but that will only cause slow downs .
THe average pc user doesn't have linux software or experiance with it .
This is the problem apple has . Windows has such a large installed base that virtualy all software is made for windows and so many people have invested in programs that run on that platform that it will be extremely hard for them to switch over .
Just think in 2007 what pcs will be like . Right now most 500$ pcs come with 512 megs of ram. In 2007 i would expect that minimum to be 1 gig at that price point . perhaps even 2gigs at the 1.5k mark along with writable drives and large hardrives .
The ps3 is a closed platform and will allways be limited by that as at some point the requirements will only increase . You don't believe it but if u get on a fast pc like a athlon 64 4000+ and comapre it to a athlon 64 3000+ you can see a huge diffrence in the way apps start up and in multitasking . The cell will be left behind quickly as dual cores move to the low end and tri and quad cores along with new cores come along .