You are totally misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm talking about the tile buffer.
Well this AA'ing will not reduce the amount of caching done over MSAA, I suppose it would over SSAA because you would be writing fewer tiles (although they will be correspondingly smaller so its an efficiency thing)
"Might be caught would be much worse than never caught. And yes, if you are in a room right now, look at the corners. You should notice significant differences in lighting from one side of the corner of the room to the other. This may not be the case if your light source is in the exact middle of the room, of course, but it certainly is the case most of the time."
Yeah but the only significance of any difference of lighting is going to be between the two surfaces where they meet. If there is a very large difference at this point then cant this be determined by, say, vertex lighting.
"Another problem with using depth differences is that you'll start turning on AA for flat surfaces (that are tessellated), but situated at an oblique angle to the viewer."
Not if they are part of the same stip, which is likely if strips are being used (which is also likely)
"Anyway, there's no easy way to detect such fragments, as which edges show aliasing depends upon the lighting of the surface in question. I seriously doubt any automated algorithm would be perfect."
back tot he vertex lighting idea again. Calculate the light difference between these pixels (dual vertex ligh calc, one for each surface on that given pixel). Thats adding work to your vertex shader, lol. AA that comes with a polygon throughput hit=)
"As far as alpha textures are concerned, there's a much nicer way to do it on a deferred renderer: simply use an alpha blend. Since the TBDR automatically does the depth sorting, this isn't a problem at all."
Good point, hadn't thought of that.