> Nearly every service is bumpmapped.
What the hell is "service"?
> The bumpmapping is clearly visible.
Anyone can claim that. I've stated my reason for believing that it's just a gloss map. Can you do the same?
Xbox screens:
PC screen:
Where are the shadows? It's just highlights of varying intensity. The rest of the detail comes from the base texture.
Also, why would they use bump mapping just on the ice stage but use a gloss map on other courses in the game that could also benifit from bump mapping?
> The keyword is nearly.
Even that is stretching it.
> There are surfaces in Halo that are not bumpmapped, but then again
> they didn't need the extra detail.
Haha... please. The reason why everything isn't bump mapped is clearly performance. The framerate is bad enough as it is.
Every surface, regardless of detail, would benifit from the superior lighting.
Good job finding a few pictures that work to your advantage. I could find several more that work to mine. BTW, where's the bump mapping in pic 2? And pic 5 clearly illustrates the difference in quality I'm talking about. It looks awful.
> will bm run on gc place great burden to it?
It burns fillrate like everything else. If framerate is important stuff like bump mapping may have to go.
There is no bump mapping in pic 1 and 3. Not having played the game it's harder to tell with pic 2 and 4 but I'm actually leaning towards it being good texturing. If you look at pic 4 you can see the highlights on the walls change place. On the left side the highlight is placed on the bottom of the stones and on the right side it is placed on top. That would be the natural result if the texture is just repeated all the way round.
The fact that there's doubt speaks volumes of Rare talent for texture creation.
> Nearly every service is bumpmapped.
What the hell is "service"?
> The bumpmapping is clearly visible.
Anyone can claim that. I've stated my reason for believing that it's just a gloss map. Can you do the same?
Xbox screens:

PC screen:

Where are the shadows? It's just highlights of varying intensity. The rest of the detail comes from the base texture.
Also, why would they use bump mapping just on the ice stage but use a gloss map on other courses in the game that could also benifit from bump mapping?
> The keyword is nearly.
Even that is stretching it.
> There are surfaces in Halo that are not bumpmapped, but then again
> they didn't need the extra detail.
Haha... please. The reason why everything isn't bump mapped is clearly performance. The framerate is bad enough as it is.
Every surface, regardless of detail, would benifit from the superior lighting.
Good job finding a few pictures that work to your advantage. I could find several more that work to mine. BTW, where's the bump mapping in pic 2? And pic 5 clearly illustrates the difference in quality I'm talking about. It looks awful.
> will bm run on gc place great burden to it?
It burns fillrate like everything else. If framerate is important stuff like bump mapping may have to go.
There is no bump mapping in pic 1 and 3. Not having played the game it's harder to tell with pic 2 and 4 but I'm actually leaning towards it being good texturing. If you look at pic 4 you can see the highlights on the walls change place. On the left side the highlight is placed on the bottom of the stones and on the right side it is placed on top. That would be the natural result if the texture is just repeated all the way round.
The fact that there's doubt speaks volumes of Rare talent for texture creation.