Game pass is only good if the games are good and we don't know because the games are so many years from release that they couldn't even show tech demos. Compare this to a game like the Last of Us 2 where they showed actual gameplay segments years before the game came out, and they ended up looking pretty similar tot he final release. Microsoft showed Halo Infinite looking well below the standards they set with their earlier reveals. Beyond that it was a bunch of cutscenes that could totally misrepresent the actual games. Is Everwild going to look like those scenes during gameplay? What is the actual game? Survival game? MMO? Platformer? We have no idea, because they haven't explained any of it. So if I buy an Xbox to get gamepass, it's only a great deal if I know what I'm getting, which I do not. This whole thing doesn't make sense to me. Buy gamepass and get access to all of these games ... some day. They'll be great, but we can't show you anything because they're in early development.