How to concentrate on studies?


B3D Yoddha
I posted same question few months ago, though I did get answers....the problem is still far from over.

I SIMPLY can't concentrate on studies. I know that it is critically imp for my future.

I am at work Mon-Fri, and when I come back to home I still have atleast 2 hrs for study but I rarely use it. I have almost stopped playing PS2. TV is still a major distraction. I basically love watching news, politics, sports and movies so....Then on sat-sun (holidays) also I rarely study. Time somehow gets spent between watching TV or reading newspaper. I keep thinking that I would study this and that but it never materialises. Even if I open book after few minutes I feel sleepy.

How much do you guys spend studying? Do you study daily?

How to motivate myself?
I have the luxury of staying at school late to continue my studies (everyday)...

When needed, I go to the university all day on saturday, afternoons on sunday.

Things just get done, but I suppose I don't actually study that long.
I found it hard enough to force myself to study when I was at University where I had nothing else to do (no job or anything). So, don't beat yourself up about it - it's hard to do a days work and then study, you do need time to yourself to relax. Having said that, if you feel you are procrastinating then set yourself a target - so many study hours per week - and try and stick to it.
its the actual starting to study which i have a problem with. though its much easier to start when u have a very specific list of what to do, otherwise i would just stare at a monitor even though there isnt anything to do on the pc. :)
Get the right kind of music also help you concentrate on study.

But really, if the subject actually facinates you in the first place, you would have easier time concentrating on it.
I don't have time to study with work and school. In addition, I'm horrible at studying. My suggestion is the short term memory cram. It's got me through with good grades so far.
Honestly, I wouldnt recommend you to study at home because of all those evils distractions such as games, tv, computers, food, your mind is good for distracting you from study.

The only solution i came up is go to the library where everything is in harmonious balance and study the crap out of it. THen go home and play games, watch movies and dont think a thing about studying.
1) Get yourself out of an environment where you are subject to your "distractions." As someone else suggested, go to a library for example.

2) I suggest you do NOT take any music with you, or any other devices which could be distracting.

3) SET GOALS. Don't just go to the library or sit down and say "OK, now I'm going to study." Have a reasonable plan. "I'm going to get through 2 chapters of material", "I'm going to do these exercises..." Have both long-term (maybe for the week) and short term (for the night) goals. One of the best continual motivators for me is seeing actual progress being made toward the goal.

4) You do need SOME down-time. Make sure you use it!
V3 said:
...really, if the subject actually facinates you in the first place, you would have easier time concentrating on it.


so many kids i see, chanting "study!" mantras like it's the only thing between them and eternal hellfire -- well it ain't. lso, I somewhat doubt that you'll be great at whatever you're studying if it doesn't already consume and fascinate you. You can be a great robot, who studies whatever is set before him, or a creative innovator, who studies becuase he wants to, and not really both.

The simple solution is to sell your TV. But, I think the more reasoned approach would be to figure out, seriously, why is TV more interesting than my studies? Surely a little bit of it is because we are lazy, and TV is an easy way to be an idiot and do nothing, and fool yourself into thinking you are doing something. But, also (and i pray you can forgive me for judging you without knowing you, but I do think it sounds like you are asking for a little help), you need to rediscover your love for your field of study.

ps/edit: on the subject of study techniques, i strongly agree with Joe DeFuria's post above.
I have just decided to study my statistics work.
I was doing it in my room, I was comfortable and I didn't have any problems studying.

I don't set study goals. If I need to study I just kick out the books, sit down and study.
If I need help I rummage through the internet to look for other resources, maybe even make a post about it on a message board.

Studying is just going through what you already know. Enforcing knowledge.
If you don't know something you have to learn it before you can study it.
Leaving your house is excellent advice. My wife has been doing to same thing as you (work all day, school during the day, work all weekend), and the only time studying really works is when she goes to the library. There's just too many things that offer an excuse when you are at home.

The best thing to do is probably go to the library right after work for an hour or so. If you go home first, there's a good chance you'll find a "good" reason why you don't have time to go somewhere else to study.
Thanks folks for replies. I am really a strange person. I am an introvert, never had a girlfriend :) , have only a few friends (could be counted on fingers), never gone to disco/ ideally I should be an ideal bookworm.....

Another thing, I have many people suggest me that I should make notes while studying, but the thing is I don't like writing while I am studying, I just like reading. And how many times do you read a thing? Do you mug up things or try and understand them?
Deepak said:
Thanks folks for replies. I am really a strange person. I am an introvert, never had a girlfriend :) , have only a few friends (could be counted on fingers), never gone to disco/ ideally I should be an ideal bookworm.....

No, your head must be free to be able to learn. Find whatever activity which will make you sweat and you'll be much more capable of learning afterwards in peace.

Another thing, I have many people suggest me that I should make notes while studying, but the thing is I don't like writing while I am studying, I just like reading. And how many times do you read a thing? Do you mug up things or try and understand them?

It's the best thing you can do, you make notes of what the professors are saying and that is exactly what they like to hear. By partially "parroting" their own words, you can achieve better grades even if the knowledge isn't 100% otherwise. I always did it that way and it always worked.

Also, it helps you filter out the most important things so you can devote more time/effort to these and leave less important things for later.