Working as a programmer I seriously can't imagine having anything else I'd rather do for living. Though "problem" I do have is that I have tons of other hobbies I also want to do (biking, photography, reading, ...) and I'd love to e.g have 8h/day, 4 days/week during summer.
You could say "just do those hobbies as work!" but that doesn't really work out that well because then it would likely be that I'm forced to do what the employer wants, not what I want.
Wise words!
It would be pretty bad thing to live only through work, what would happen when you loose the job(that will happen eventually to almost everyone). If all you know and do is work the emptiness and lost friends and time might feel pretty damn bad after getting fired... One doesn't get there overnight, but 5 years of no life should do it handily.