How large will Cell be ?

chaphack said:

If you have noticed, i being asking what so "special" about Cell and its World. ;) Maybe it sounds like something powerful today, but who knows what the competitive future and complications of massive parallelism might do to idealism.

In the end, i see Cell as nothing more than a Sony "PC"(it is just using a PPC core yeay?), in your living room. PS3 will be PS3, a console. While the Cell World hoha, will go to the Cell_Terminal, the descendant of the PSX, an all-in-one breakout box with, hopefully, all the functionalities and flexibilities of a PC, yet easy to use and maintain.

Cell TVs, if anything, are just TV + Cell_Terminal integrated together. Yeay know, like SNES capabilites built into those in-flight entertainment setup. Ideal for people looking for a new TV and to try out the Cell World, but i see that as limited.

Finally, what is Cell World? *I* call it as just simply BB Net Lifestyle. Nothing spectacular. Limited by available bandwidth and infrastructure.

BUT what do the Sony fans think of Cell and its World? Seeing all the hoha, has to be something spectacular yeay? Please explain.
Nice to see you are agreeing with some of my views of 'Cell' :)
Still, I don't understand your 'Sony fans' comment. I've not seen such 'Spectacular Spectacular Cell World' comments from others than chaphack. Most even don't think there is to be a 'Cell world', but just an interesting processor for future applications.

What has been discussed in these forums by those 'Cell experts' has been mere technical interest in new processor technology, no any 'Matrix hohohaha dreamy dreams'.

Can't explain, sorry.
DGMA: You concede that a 256-384 Gflops CELL is possible ... then it isn't really that great of a jump to say that 1 Tflops is possible (3-4x). I don't see how you can say that 256-384 Gflops is possible while 1Tflops is impossible.

Once again, I gotta say that I never said CELL must be 1Tflops, only that it is possible.

From previous stuff:
And also, I want to say, that 1Tflops is not a make-or-break issue w/ me. A 500Gflops CELL would be perfectly acceptable to me, since I don't think peak performance is as important as sustained performance.

I agree that 1Tflops will be very hard to achieve. 1Tflops is a number that shouldn't be tossed around lightly, and I'm not about to stick my neck out and say CELL will be 1Tflops, or that the PS3 will be 1Tflops. But I think it is possible, and I don't think it is an overestimation to say that STI is capable of a 1Tflops processor.

Maybe this should be broken out into a different thread called "What do you think CELL actually DOES?!"

I haven't read all of the Sony PR/presentation stuff, since, you gotta admit, there IS quite a bit of fluff in there ("World Simulation"!?).

But CELL does have the potential to be much more than just EE/GS for the PS3. I think Sony is positioning it to be the new processor for a series of media products. Sony products already have a great deal of interoperability, such as WEGAs auto-detecting Handycams and playing back the video wirelessly to the TV. CELL will make that interoperability even greater, by giving a unified hardware architecture.

Gonna be busy for a few days, so if anyone responds, don't expect a reply for awhile.
chaphack said:
Instead of just going ga-ga over the Cell hardware, any Sony fans know what software is going to power Sony BB Lifestyle ideals? I hope they dont stick to Real and Netscape to deliver online content, coz rivals are going to rip them apart should they use a better format, like say WMP and IE...

For once, I totally agree. If Sony wants to be a force in standardizing internet media, it shouldn't stick to Real and Netscape - they had their moment in the sun, now it's a lost cause for them. Of course, Sony isn't about to use WMA or IE, but either form its own standards consortium or join one. (Personally I hate WMA, all my WMA music doesn't run on my MP3 player without conversion - I am very impressed by Windows Streaming Video tho...)

Having created or help create hardware standards such as CD and DVD, a software standard shouldn't be out of its league, espicially if they link it to the coming UMD and Blu-ray standards.

And please, no more "But what about Betamax." So they failed once. Big deal. And the failure wasn't really that bad - in Asia, Betamax actually sold quite well for several years. My high school still has a large Betamax tape library (of NHK science/history tapes) and Betamax VCRs.

This is *really* the last post for a while.
BUT what do the Sony fans think of Cell and its World? Seeing all the hoha, has to be something spectacular yeay? Please explain.

pls refrain from pigion holling 'Sony fans' during the discussion.

I hope they dont stick to Real and Netscape to deliver online content, coz rivals are going to rip them apart should they use a *dominant* format, like say WMP and IE...

fixed that for you :devilish:

seriouly they're damned if they stick to published standards for content delivery (not specifically netscape et el, and certainly not REAL), and they be panned for going with IE.
does anyone here actually CARES about what format or browser will be used in PS3?

we still don't know what kind of content will be made available over the internet for PS3 users, and "formats" should be the last thing to worry about now...

at the end of the day, the main use for PS3-network should be network play. movies and music and in general "other types of entertainments" would be just extras, and Real would be just fine for that.
Looking at Sony transformation 60 Roadmap,

- Broadband Media Server
- Broadband TV
- PS3

It seems, Sony is going to differentiate PS3 and Broadband Media Server.

Is PS3 going to be for pure gaming this time around ? (To cut cost maybe ?)

To keep it on topic,

Here is my breakdown of the size of Cell on 65 nm

64 eDRAM + controller, 120 mm2
4 PUs, 20 mm2 each, total 80 mm2
36 APUs, 5 mm2 each, 180 mm2
Buses, 4 DMACs, other stuffs, 40 mm2

Total 420 mm2, that's my speculation anyway. Toshiba eDRAM and SRAM cells, though the claimed to be the smallest in the world, might be not densed enough to be economical. But we shall see, I guess. If that's too costly, than we might not hear the end of DMGA gloating :LOL:
Just put 32 MB of e-DRAM.

You have to add the 4 MB of SRAM and those would be 32 APUs and not 36 ;)

PlayStation 2 was differentiated from the first Home Server, PSX.

PlayStation 3 will be differentiated from Home Server 2, PSX 2, but it will still expand in functionality and features over PlayStation 2: Ken Kutaragi previously stated that you should be able to use PlayStation 3 as the home server ( or Access Point for PSP's WiFi 802.11 capabilities ).
V3 said:
To keep it on topic,

Here is my breakdown of the size of Cell on 65 nm

64 eDRAM + controller, 120 mm2
4 PUs, 20 mm2 each, total 80 mm2
36 APUs, 5 mm2 each, 180 mm2
Buses, 4 DMACs, other stuffs, 40 mm2

Total 420 mm2, that's my speculation anyway. Toshiba eDRAM and SRAM cells, though the claimed to be the smallest in the world, might be not densed enough to be economical. But we shall see, I guess. If that's too costly, than we might not hear the end of DMGA gloating :LOL:

So, 24-32 MB of e-DRAM + Controller + 4 MB of SRAM...

2) Embedded DRAM cell:
High-speed data processing requires a single-chip solution integrating a microprocessor and embedded large volume memory. Toshiba is the only semiconductor vendor able to offer commercial trench-capacitor DRAM technology for 90nm-generation DRAM-embedded System LSI. Toshiba and Sony have utilized 65nm process to technology to fabricate an embedded DRAM with a cell size of 0.11um2, the world's smallest, which will allow DRAM with a capacity of more than 256Mbit to be integrated on a single chip.

3) Embedded SRAM cell:
SRAM is sometimes used as cache memory in SoC systems. The Hi-NA193-nm lithography with alternating phase shift mask and the slimming process combined with the non-slimming trim mask process will achieve the world's smallest embedded SRAM cell in the 65nm generation an areas of only 0.6um2.

4 MB of SRAM = 4 MB * 8 bits/bytes * 0.6 um^2 = 4 MB * 8 bits/byte * ( ( 0.6 * (10^-6)) mm^2 ) = 20.132 mm^2

Let's say 22 mm^2 to account for some inefficiencies, tags, LS interfaces ( ~2 mm^2 for that, a bit of an exageration: there are some MIPS cores that fit in less space ).

24-32 MB of e-DRAM = 32 MB * 8 bits/bytes * 0.11 um^2 = 32 MB * 8 bits/byte * ( ( 0.11 * (10^-6)) mm^2 ) = 22.146-29.528 mm^2

Again, let's say 23-30 mm^2 without the memory banks controllers, the bank access switch, data and address busses and extra tags for flags as outlined in the patent.

Let's say all that ( memory bank controllers, bank access switch, data + address busses, extra tags, etc... ) brings it to 33-40 mm^2: still, think those addition are not very optimized density wise and we get a ~43-50 mm^2 area utilization ( this is almost 2x the area used by the e-DRAM cells themselves ).

This mean about 65-72 mm^2 for both SRAM and e-DRAM.

32 APUs at 5.5 mm^2 each ( to take into better account the nice Register file I added 0.5 mm^2 to your estimate [I also thought about a 65 nm EE and how big would be something like VU0 and adjusted for things like more Registers and stuff: from VU0 I can take out the 8 KB of SRAM based micro-memories as we are counting the SRAM somewhere else] ) would be 176 mm^2

PUs being 20 mm^2 each ? That is quite big man.

EE+GS@90 nm is 86 mm^2 and the EE part is porbably around 40-42 mm^2.

This would mean that each 65 nm PU is approximately half the size of the 90 nm EE which in turn means that a 65 nm PU is about as big as a 65 nm shrinked EE.

I'd say 6 mm^2 is big enough.

I do not expect anything more than compact cores with like 16 KB of Instruction Cache and 16 KB of Data Cache and a two-way super-scalar, in-order execution engine: MIPS cores in 130 nm, without caches, can be smaller than 2 mm^2.

The PUs should be relatively simple and still we would have 4 of them in parallel ( 4 processes at the same time ) running at around 2 GHz each.

Look at these ARM11 cores in 130 nm:

Performance Characteristics 0.13µ



Area (mm2)


Frequency (MHz) *


Dhrystone 2.1 MIPS/MHz


Power Consumption (mW/MHz) **


0.13µ silicon foundry process. * Worst case: Vdd(nom)-10%, 125C, slow silicon. ** Typical: Vdd(nom), 25C, nominal silicon
Area includes 16k instruction cache and 16k data cache

I think that 10 mm^2 in 130 nm does not sound bad and those ARM11 cores are not slow and they include 32 KB of total L1 Cache.

4 PUs * 6 mm^2/APU = 24 mm^2.

So far we have,

1.) 24 + 72 + 176 = 272 mm^2. ( 32 MB of e-DRAM ).

2.) 24 + 65 + 176 = 265 mm^2. ( 24 MB of e-DRAM ).

Busses ( we took some already in acount ), 4 DMAC, Redwood interface, etc... should take around 20 mm^2.

A total area of 285-292 mm^2: not impossible to realize for SCE: the 250 nm GS in the first PlayStation 2 consoles was 279 mm^2.

I have to say that I was not trying to be too optimistic regarding the e-DRAM and SRAM area untilization as you can see so they might reduce the area used or reduce the e-DRAM to 16 MB and upgrade XDR to 51.2 GB/s as my calculations that put 24-32 MB of e-DRAM looked at 25.6 GB/s XDR ( 400 MHz base clock, 64 bits memory controller hence 128 data pins, etc... 51.2 GB/s would be obtained by either doubling the base clock or the data pins to 256 which would mean a 128 bits memory controller.

So if control, busses, Redwood interface, DMACs, take more space there is a good amount of head-room in the e-DRAM area usage.

Using 16 MB of e-DRAM ( still quite a lot if you add the 4 MB of SRAM: we would have 20 MB of total on-chip memory ) we would reduce the total area to 275 mm^2 ( 16 MB of e-DRAM would only take, following the same calculations I did above for 24-32 MB of e-DRAM, 35 mm^2 with the bank controllers, busses, bank access switch, etc... take into consieration ).
It seems, Sony is going to differentiate PS3 and Broadband Media Server.

Indeed, but let me indulge on this one.

You won't see a PS3 that mimics a PSX in it's type of functions. It won't be able to burn Blu-ray disks or have all types of hookups in the back of the unit.

The content for PS3 will be network based, and you can see this; looking at Cell(A processor that can handle network packets).

But I'm sure that Sony will release a PSX version of PS3.. maybe within 6 months of release or a year.
I think limited PVR functionality will be added as it does not cost them much ( they will probably have an HDD in PlayStation 3 ) and since at $299 Xbox 2 will likely included that kin d of feature.
You have to add the 4 MB of SRAM and those would be 32 APUs and not 36

Actually, I've already included the 128k of SRAM in the APUs. I put 36 APUs, thinking they might tag one spare APUs to improve logic, I know its probably only one per chip, but lets have one extra per PE for the worst case.

4 MB of SRAM = 4 MB * 8 bits/bytes * 0.6 um^2 = 4 MB * 8 bits/byte * ( ( 0.6 * (10^-6)) mm^2 ) = 20.132 mm^2

Let's say 22 mm^2 to account for some inefficiencies, tags, LS interfaces ( ~2 mm^2 for that, a bit of an exageration: there are some MIPS cores that fit in less space ).

24-32 MB of e-DRAM = 32 MB * 8 bits/bytes * 0.11 um^2 = 32 MB * 8 bits/byte * ( ( 0.11 * (10^-6)) mm^2 ) = 22.146-29.528 mm^2

Again, let's say 23-30 mm^2 without the memory banks controllers, the bank access switch, data and address busses and extra tags for flags as outlined in the patent.[/Quote]

That's the same consideration as I took, though I am still sticking to 64 MB of eDRAM.

32 APUs at 5.5 mm^2 each ( to take into better account the nice Register file I added 0.5 mm^2 to your estimate [I also thought about a 65 nm EE and how big would be something like VU0 and adjusted for things like more Registers and stuff: from VU0 I can take out the 8 KB of SRAM based micro-memories as we are counting the SRAM somewhere else] ) would be 176 mm^2

My estimate is actually between 5-10 mm2, But I feel optimistic, that they'll optimised on the size since it will be repeated many times.

PUs being 20 mm^2 each ? That is quite big man.

EE+GS@90 nm is 86 mm^2 and the EE part is porbably around 40-42 mm^2.

This would mean that each 65 nm PU is approximately half the size of the 90 nm EE which in turn means that a 65 nm PU is about as big as a 65 nm shrinked EE.

I'd say 6 mm^2 is big enough.

I do not expect anything more than compact cores with like 16 KB of Instruction Cache and 16 KB of Data Cache and a two-way super-scalar, in-order execution engine: MIPS cores in 130 nm, without caches, can be smaller than 2 mm^2.

Yes, it could be smaller, afterall GC Gekko is like 42 mm2 on 180nm process. But I reckon these PUs need to be capable, if not you'll be PU limited most of the time. So IMO, it might have quite a bit more cache in every level.

A total area of 285-292 mm^2: not impossible to realize for SCE: the 250 nm GS in the first PlayStation 2 consoles was 279 mm^2.

Then again the 32MB GS was like 462 mm2, so its not immpossible either. AFAIK, as process improved, bigger chips will become more economical.

I have to say that I was not trying to be too optimistic regarding the e-DRAM and SRAM area untilization as you can see so they might reduce the area used or reduce the e-DRAM to 16 MB and upgrade XDR to 51.2 GB/s as my calculations that put 24-32 MB of e-DRAM looked at 25.6 GB/s XDR ( 400 MHz base clock, 64 bits memory controller hence 128 data pins, etc... 51.2 GB/s would be obtained by either doubling the base clock or the data pins to 256 which would mean a 128 bits memory controller.

So if control, busses, Redwood interface, DMACs, take more space there is a good amount of head-room in the e-DRAM area usage.

Using 16 MB of e-DRAM ( still quite a lot if you add the 4 MB of SRAM: we would have 20 MB of total on-chip memory ) we would reduce the total area to 275 mm^2 ( 16 MB of e-DRAM would only take, following the same calculations I did above for 24-32 MB of e-DRAM, 35 mm^2 with the bank controllers, busses, bank access switch, etc... take into consieration ).

Well another options is to have something like those off chip cache.
Then again the 32MB GS was like 462 mm2, so its not immpossible either. AFAIK, as process improved, bigger chips will become more economical.

True, SCE and Toshiba did not only worked on a 65 nm process ( and a 45 nm one ) they also invested in 300 mm Wafers ( compared to 200 mm Wafers the inustry used before ) which means that a growth in chips' size is also possible.


EE+GS@90 nm is 86 mm^2 and the EE part is porbably around 40-42 mm^2. This would mean that each 65 nm PU is approximately half the size of the 90 nm EE which in turn means that a 65 nm PU is about as big as a 65 nm shrinked EE.

I'd say 6 mm^2 is big enough.
Exactly. Old VUs measure 7~9 mm2(Depending on which VU you are looking at) @ 90 nm. Now the VU2(aka APU) will have 4 times the cache size of VU1, a new 128 bit integer unit in place of 16 bit integer unit, an ability to address GB of memory(VU0/1 addressed 64 KB), and stretched pipeline to cope with higher clock.

And you expect 6 mm2???

My estimation is 12 mm2/APU @ 65 nm.(I maybe too optimistic)

12 mm2 * 9 APUs(1 Spare embedded) + 15 mm2 for a G4 PPC + 10 support cicruit and you are looking at 120 mm2/PE. Have two of these for EE3 and SCEI has just reached its die budget limit(250 mm2 ???).

And no, EE3 won't have any eDRAM, no room for one and eDRAM halves clockspeed.

If you still believe in SCEI and Toshiba's god-like ability to pack in billions of transistors into single die for a few bucks, look no further than PSP to dispell your false hopes.

Twin vintage R4000 cores,
One Vector FPU(Not as complex as EE VU)
200+ mm2 die size.

SCEI and Toshiba doesn't have some magic transistor cramming technology denied to the likes of Intel and IBM(Hell, IBM was the licensor of SCEI's fabs), they simply design their chips within the budget limit like everyone else. This means having to live with 16 APUs at MAX for EE3. No eDRAM. No other fancy stuffs.
Get your facts straight:

1.) the die size of the PSP SoC has not been announced yet.

2.) IBM did not license fabs to SCE.

3.) I do not believe SCE has magic IBM doesn't: I believe that when SCE partners with Japan's 1st Semiconductor maker ( Toshiba ) and one of world firsts Semiconductor makers ( IBM ) and they all invest a good amout of money into their R&D work... yes they cna come up with something really good.

4.) SCE and Toshiba's CMOS5 65 nm process still has record size SRAM and e-DRAM cells.

5.) PSP is manufactured on a 90 nm process and using 200 mm Wafers.

6.) PlayStation 3 will use 65 nm chips made with 300 mm Wafers whcih allow them to target quite bigger chip sizes as well as improoving some more the yelds.

7.) Again about the Handheld Engine size: it is a 180 nm chip.

1.) the die size of the PSP SoC has not been announced yet.
We will see. Both EE and HE started larger than 200 mm2. This almost guarantees that PSP will be that large, and yet SCEI had to cut down on EDRAM capacity.

2.) IBM did not license fabs to SCE.
Sorry, I meant fab technology.

I believe that when SCE partners with Japan's 1st Semiconductor maker ( Toshiba )
Being Japan's no. 1 doesn't mean anything anymore. Japanese fabs skimped on investment in the last couple generations and have fallen behind their overseas rivals accordingly. Toshiba is no exception.

4.) SCE and Toshiba's CMOS5 65 nm process still has record size SRAM and e-DRAM cells.
Irrelevant since 1. EE3 won't have any eDRAM. 2 Nothing has been announced about what really matters the most, the logic gate density. SCEI's fabs seem to be pretty poor in that regard based on my PSX2OAC and HE analysis.

5.) PSP is manufactured on a 90 nm process and using 200 mm Wafers.
Wafer size has no effect on chip die size.

6.) PlayStation 3 will use 65 nm chips made with 300 mm Wafers whcih allow them to target quite bigger chip sizes as well as improoving some more the yelds.
Wafer size only determines how many you can fab at once, not the yield rate.

7.) Again about the Handheld Engine size: it is a 180 nm chip.
And it is also a much much simpler device than PSP. Hell, the whole logic transistor count of HE is around 6 million and it ate half the die.
Re: ...

DeadmeatGA said:

EE+GS@90 nm is 86 mm^2 and the EE part is porbably around 40-42 mm^2. This would mean that each 65 nm PU is approximately half the size of the 90 nm EE which in turn means that a 65 nm PU is about as big as a 65 nm shrinked EE.

I'd say 6 mm^2 is big enough.
Exactly. Old VUs measure 7~9 mm2(Depending on which VU you are looking at) @ 90 nm. Now the VU2(aka APU) will have 4 times the cache size of VU1, a new 128 bit integer unit in place of 16 bit integer unit, an ability to address GB of memory(VU0/1 addressed 64 KB), and stretched pipeline to cope with higher clock.

And you expect 6 mm2???

My estimation is 12 mm2/APU @ 65 nm.(I maybe too optimistic)

12 mm2 * 9 APUs(1 Spare embedded) + 15 mm2 for a G4 PPC + 10 support cicruit and you are looking at 120 mm2/PE. Have two of these for EE3 and SCEI has just reached its die budget limit(250 mm2 ???).

And no, EE3 won't have any eDRAM, no room for one and eDRAM halves clockspeed.

Are you going insane ?

1.) You can have a slow clock for the e-DRAM and higher for the APUs.

2.) The PUs will not be G4s: the PU does not even need a Vector Unit like the Altivec Unit used in the G4, do you even think before you type lately ?

3.) About the APU's size... if you EVEN READ my post before pressing the submit button you would have read that I have set 22 mm^2 for all the SRAM ( 4 MB ) according to CMOS5 SRAM cell size provided ( 2 mm^2 added to take into account some inefficiencies, busses, etc... ), now you undersyand why I was not counting its effect on the APU size directly ?

4.) New 128 bits Integer Unit ? Have you looked at IBM's APU patent ? Likely, given how APU operates ( either 1 FP Vector or 1 FP Scalar or 1 Integer Vector or 1 Integer Scalar ) it is likely we will have lots of resource sharing, more than what you would find by putting 4 FMACs and 4 ALUs on the same Unit ). You really seem trying to artificially bloat the size of the APUs, I am glad you are not working on CELL.

Are you going insane ?
That's what I would like to ask you.

1.) You can have a slow clock for the e-DRAM and higher for the APUs.
Show me one example of eDRAM chip ticking over 1 Ghz.

2.) The PUs will not be G4s: the PU does not even need a Vector Unit like the Altivec Unit used in the G4, do you even think before you type lately ?
How much do you save from G4 by eliminating AltiVec? Not much. The fact is that a very powerful CPU is needed to service 8 data-hungry APUs so SCEI cannot afford to put a simple CPU in there. Whatever it is, it should be desktop grade.

3.) About the APU's size... if you EVEN READ my post before pressing the submit button you would have read that I have set 22 mm^2 for all the SRAM ( 4 MB ) according to CMOS5 SRAM cell size provided
You are forgetting the spaces between the SRAM cell and the bus wire...

You really seem trying to artificially bloat the size of the APUs.
No I am not, APU will be significantly bigger than VU1 fabbed on same process, simply because it is far more complex and has a lot more. Since VU1 is estimated to be around 4~5 mm2 at 65 nm, APU will be at lest double to triple the size of VU1.

Use your common sense. PSX2OAC and PSP tells you that SCEI's fab technology is not any better than its rivals(In fact Dothan has three times the transistor density of PSX2OAC), then why are you expecting them to cram half a buillion transistors on a die and have it clock at 4 Ghz while burning little power? SCEI can't do what Intel and IBM can't do. It is as simple as that.
Re: ..

DeadmeatGA said:
1.) the die size of the PSP SoC has not been announced yet.
We will see. Both EE and HE started larger than 200 mm2. This almost guarantees that PSP will be that large, and yet SCEI had to cut down on EDRAM capacity.

2.) IBM did not license fabs to SCE.
Sorry, I meant fab technology.

Not true either, they licensed 100 nm SOI tech to SCE, 11S ( 65 nm ) is being worked at by all three companies and CMOS5 ( 65 nm ) and CMOS6 ( 45 nm ) are work of SCE and Toshiba.

I believe that when SCE partners with Japan's 1st Semiconductor maker ( Toshiba )
Being Japan's no. 1 doesn't mean anything anymore. Japanese fabs skimped on investment in the last couple generations and have fallen behind their overseas rivals accordingly. Toshiba is no exception.

Toshiba is still on e of the top Semiconductor manufacturers worldwide.

4.) SCE and Toshiba's CMOS5 65 nm process still has record size SRAM and e-DRAM cells.
Irrelevant since 1. EE3 won't have any eDRAM. 2 Nothing has been announced about what really matters the most, the logic gate density.

Of course, whata nice logic: any argument that puts SCe in good light is irrelevsant.

SCEI's fabs seem to be pretty poor in that regard based on my PSX2OAC and HE analysis.

Please continue with this kind of statements, I have been working into my modesty-to-water machine, with you as my helper I plan to fertilize deserts around the whole world.

5.) PSP is manufactured on a 90 nm process and using 200 mm Wafers.
Wafer size has no effect on chip die size.

So, economically it makes no difference making a 300 mm^2 chip on 200 mm Wafers comoared to the same chip on 300 mm Wafers ? If it would add to the cost using 200 mm Wafers ( it does overall ) then I cna make a chip on 300 mm Wafers that costs the same as the 300 mm^2 chip on 200 mm Wafers, but now that chip is 300+X ( X = difference in cost / cost/mm^2 ) mm^2. Big chips and big Wafer > Big chips and small Wafers.

6.) PlayStation 3 will use 65 nm chips made with 300 mm Wafers whcih allow them to target quite bigger chip sizes as well as improoving some more the yelds.
Wafer size only determines how many you can fab at once, not the yield rate.

True it does not improove the percentage of working chips, but it improoves how many chips per Wafer are going to be working.

How ?

80-90% of X Wafers < 80-90% of Y Wafers if Y > X.