You obviously have never tried reindeer
Couple small examples of great finnish cuisine:
Both look very tasty.
Here in the US you get traditional winter (Christmas) dishes with all their creative seasoning (salt, pepper and sugar).
You obviously have never tried reindeer
Couple small examples of great finnish cuisine:
Holland = "north"??? Scotland's more north than holland! Holy crap, Mize c'mon!
In Hawaii, Spam is so popular it is sometimes dubbed "The Hawaiian Steak".
I've heard good stuff about Turkish cuisine, dunno how much it really differs from the Greek though - which I totally love.In Europe I tend to favor Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey for food.
Tomato soup basically, is it not?I absolutely love good gazpacho on a hot Summer day.
Only had Lebanese Paris of all places, about a year and a half ago, so I don't really know enough about it to use it as a frame of reference.As for Turkish think European Mediterranean mixed with Lebanese for an approximate palate.
Any country that likes cold soup doesn't immediately appeal to me with their cuisine
And I have been to Spain, but the food wasn't that special to me.
The food is the only good thing in Spain. And yes it is good.
back to holland again (specifically dutch cheese)Don't even get them started on macaroni and cheese.
In 2006 a study showing that the malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae) is attracted equally to the smell of Limburger and to the smell of human feet[3] earned the Ig Nobel Prize in the area of biology. [4]
Where do you live? Sounds like SoCal raised to me.
FWIW finding good Spanish food in the US is damn near impossible outside of a couple spots on the East Coast. Since you like Tex Mex better than Mexican and quiche you're clearly a cheese person (as am I but I like Mex better than Tex Mex). Spain has some wonderful cheeses and you'd probably like many different kinds of tortilla (basically like quiche but with potatoes, onions, mushrooms and the like.
Of course Spain means lots of seafood so that's an issue, but so does Thai and you like Thai, right?
There are actually a lot of very good Spanish restaurants in SF.
Polish food is the best when my mom cooks it!
I agree with Mize that it is personal taste, but many friend from Europe said that what my mom prepares is excellent.