Albuquerque said:
T2k said:
Usual errors, paired with slow logic...
Again with the personal attacks? I get the feeling this thread is going to get shut down for no other reason than you cannot hold a logical conversation but must instead degrade to calling names. Let's start taking your argument apart:
Again: you started. And as everybody can see now, you are keep doing this. As I've said, kid: if your're boring, go to the bathroom..
Get lost. Go and learn the basics first - we'll see below you don't even know the basic terms.
T2k said:
1. Since when considered ATI's X800 XT 'lower' card than GF 6800U?
Since we're talking about OpenGL, the answer is self-apparent.
You're probably the least logical person here.
Did you notice the numbers I gave you about the HW?
Or it really doesn't bother you?
FYI, my apparently ignorant fella: "lower" in this 3D hw-related world means lower-class in terms of price/hw/performance. Nobody uses 'lower' in one specific API related context when two card is the subject.
At least learn the frikkin terms if you wanna debate.
I assumed anyone who knows video cards would certainly know this,
You assumed whatever you want, apparently you have no idea about any terminus technicus - we'll see soon, why I'm saying this...
since basically every benchmark ever put out on an x86 platform said the same thing.
Still: your whole long litany based on your FAULTY imagination what a 'lower card' would mean...
I want you to now take a guess which card (X800XT or 6800U) performs worse in OpenGL. I'm very sure you know the answer, but to be fair, I'll give you three hints:
From Digit Life:
Quake 3 arena, XT being beaten by ~10%
Serious Sam SE, XT being beaten by ~15%
From CDRInf
GLExcess, XT being trounced by ~22%
And of course, I can give you a half-dozen links about how bad the 6800U stomps the X800XT in the currently most popular OpenGL game: Doom3. Most of that is because it was developed on NV hardware, but some of it is also due to ATI's less than stellar OpenGL support on the PC platform.
This guy is hilarious...
You completely went off the track with your misunderstanding what 'lower card' means.! This is hilarious.
So much for my #1 comment - you didn't even get close to challenge it. 8)
Have you noticed, my young friend
that you're actually - without a flying clue, of course - but did the favor and put the reasons behind my #2 comment? Namely ATI's OGL sux on PC historically? 8)
Completely missed #2.
So why is it when the X800XT is placed on a Macintosh, it supercedes the 6800 Ultra in nearly all cases (and essentially ties in the rest)?
As I also said:
stick with the facts. Stop lying: nowhere near supercedes anywhewre, except Halo.
I bet you don't even know which benchmark we're talking about...
If you're clueless, stay low and listen, don't try to alternate the facts - that's called lying.
Weren't you just arguing that since ATi sucks rocks on OpenGL in the PC platform that it also too sucks rocks on OpenGL in the Mac platform?
did you actually read my post???
This guy is hilarious, seriously. 8)
I did posted this here and it shows what I just told you Nth times again: XT takes significant lead only under Halo, despite its way stronger hardware.
WTF is wrong with your brain? Which part you don't get?
T2k said:
It's pretty obvious from this comment you don't know this whole story.
Nobody needs benchmarks on a 9200 with 32MB memory here, believe me - especially when you have OSX with 256 megs of system memory as ice on the cake.
Yeah, well I think we do, especially after you just got done telling everyone to "trust you" that the X800XT was better than the 6800U in OpenGL. I think you've been proven wrong enough just about that single oversight for me to
not trust you about the rest.
#1 missed, #2 missed - what a suprise, he doesn't even mention #3... I wonder why... :Roll: Perhaps his completely clueless what I'm talking about regarding the OS X CP?
look, kid: that's one thing you are obviously either A) somehow incapable to interpret my last post's points properly or B) deliberately misunderstood it - but don't try to discredit me, due to your utterly ignorant state of mind on this subject.
You failed to understand my points. Result: you're fighting with non-existing opinions, embarrassing yourself.
You failed to even properly use a term in a technical context. Result: you embarrased yourself again, due to your lack of knowledge - you even built up a long, completely wasted counterpost on this misinterpreted idea.
You also distorted the facts few times, obviously deliberately in order to back up your failed idea.
Minus the hatemail, this is exactly the way you are acting. Calm down a little, slow down on the caffeine and/or sugar, and talk to me like a normal human being.
Go and learn the basic terms, stop lying, when you done, come back, read again my points, interpret, think, harder - then write an answer.
That's the minimum to can have a meaningful conversation - I hate to debate with clueless folks.