There was a swede, a dane and a norwegian stranded on a deserted island. On the beach they found a bottle. As they opened the bottle a genie flew out and thanked them for releasing him from this bottle that had been his prison for the last 1,000 years.
- To thank you for releasing me, I'll fulfill a wish for each one of you, said the genie.
- I wish I was back home in Sweden said the swede, and with a small poof he was back home.
- I wish I was back home in Denmark said the dane, and with a small poof he was back home.
The norwegian sat down thinking for a long while trying to figure out what to wish for. Finally he said:
- Well, it's quite boring being here all alone, so I really wish my friends would be here with me again.
- To thank you for releasing me, I'll fulfill a wish for each one of you, said the genie.
- I wish I was back home in Sweden said the swede, and with a small poof he was back home.
- I wish I was back home in Denmark said the dane, and with a small poof he was back home.
The norwegian sat down thinking for a long while trying to figure out what to wish for. Finally he said:
- Well, it's quite boring being here all alone, so I really wish my friends would be here with me again.