Hey Baron! New "House" on tonight!

Pissed at Wilson? Hes been biting everyone with his decreased supply of viconin. Must be extra juicy and sarcastic. Cant wait.
did he get thrown in the pokey for his drugginess yet? i like that show...i think it's the only network show i ever watch...though i don't watch every week...or even most of the time. his character type (heretofore unseen on tv anywhere) is IMO indicitive of the type of people who can barely tolerate the status quo they are forced to live in. and rightly so, their disposition reflects that. probably has to be a genius doctor to avoid being destroyed by the slavoring hordes though...or is that good enough.

so did he plea deal (saw previews) for rehab...or take the "just shoot me pretard" approach...
did he get thrown in the pokey for his drugginess yet? i like that show...i think it's the only network show i ever watch...though i don't watch every week...or even most of the time. his character type (heretofore unseen on tv anywhere) is IMO indicitive of the type of people who can barely tolerate the status quo they are forced to live in. and rightly so, their disposition reflects that. probably has to be a genius doctor to avoid being destroyed by the slavoring hordes though...or is that good enough.

so did he plea deal (saw previews) for rehab...or take the "just shoot me pretard" approach...
Watch and find out, I'm not gonna post up that spoiler! :p
did he get thrown in the pokey for his drugginess yet? i like that show...i think it's the only network show i ever watch...though i don't watch every week...or even most of the time. his character type (heretofore unseen on tv anywhere) is IMO indicitive of the type of people who can barely tolerate the status quo they are forced to live in. and rightly so, their disposition reflects that. probably has to be a genius doctor to avoid being destroyed by the slavoring hordes though...or is that good enough.

House's characterization seems to lean towards an underlying level of self-loathing and distrust that is his primary motivation. He recognizes his gift, but he does not believe he himself is deserving of anything.

As was said by Wilson much earlier: "you don't like yourself, but you do admire yourself".

The outcast status has been repeatedly mentioned as something House strongly believes in (again in this episode, he says as much), in that by being alone and rejected, he is the stronger for it.
Yet his self-destructive tendencies seem to reflect an acceptance of the fact that there is nothing to him, his only joy and only source of affirmation is either based on chemicals or vindication.

As he said earlier, he became a doctor because of an experience in his youth, where an outcast doctor in Japan showed him that someone can be reviled, despised, or never given any human mercy, but still be needed, and still be right.

That is the core of his beliefs. He refuses to fit in, because he knows that people can love or care, but still hurt. That they can profess truth or what they believe to be truth, but they still lie in spite of themselves.

Is it not safer, from his perspective, to do what House has done? Make himself unbelievably precious and worthy of accolades, but counter it with anything he can do to make it so it is only the fact that he is needed for his brilliance--this fact is the only thing he believes in--that keeps him around.

That's why he gave up on pursuing his old flame, and why he used his best friend's prescription pad to forge a narcotics prescription. He wants to push it, until nothing-not friendship, not love, not respect-but how right he is becomes the reason people defend him.

It's why he systematically undermines everything if it has nothing to do with how, by his very continued presence, it is a vindication of himself.

so did he plea deal (saw previews) for rehab...or take the "just shoot me pretard" approach...

I'd say a little of both and none of the above...
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That is the core of his beliefs. He refuses to fit in, because he knows that people can love or care, but still hurt. That they can profess truth or what they believe to be truth, but they still lie in spite of themselves.

That's why he gave up on pursuing his old flame, and why he used his best friend's prescription pad to forge a narcotics prescription. He wants to push it, until nothing-not friendship, not love, not respect-but how right he is becomes the reason people defend him.

so he screws others over on purpose? i thought he just abandoned relationships as at least nonproductive in general and at worst toxic. i didn't know he forge scrips...but i seem to remember him borrowing money once and something about..."what an idiot you are to lend me money"...or something...don't watch teh show enough.

still i like what i've seen of him, not that i'd attempt a friendship with that sort, just that i relate to the way he is (without the genius doctor part)...just someone who view relationships as i stated above...from direct experience.
so he screws others over on purpose? i thought he just abandoned relationships as at least nonproductive in general and at worst toxic. i didn't know he forge scrips...but i seem to remember him borrowing money once and something about..."what an idiot you are to lend me money"...or something...don't watch teh show enough.

House's one virtue is his brilliance, something balanced by his addiction and a pathological need to be right.

Thus far, the amount of pressure he's applied has been dependent on just how much control he's had over a person.

His most aggravating/destructive behavior has been against people who either through authority or familiarity have acted as if he didn't have a monopoly on the status of "most necessary person".

He mocks his team, but he's their boss, so he doesn't go all the way. (Until recently, when he punched out one of them)
His boss and Wilson don't need House for their job, and Wilson-worst of all-tries to help. Because of how House has structured his life, helping him requires a certain level of arrogance by default.
It's convenient that way, even when he's helped out, House is allowed to doubt them and feel their motives are compromised.

The only exception perhaps was his old girlfriend, or perhaps she is the finest example.

He had an affair with her and got her to the point she would leave her crippled husband. Then, just when he knew she needed no one as much as she needed him, he broke it off.

The possibilities why include:
1) deep down he hated himself enough to think she would be better off without him
2) he was afraid to be hurt again (this breakup would send him into a tailspin physically)
3) his desperate need to know he had the upper hand was satisfied
4) all of the above

still i like what i've seen of him, not that i'd attempt a friendship with that sort, just that i relate to the way he is (without the genius doctor part)...just someone who view relationships as i stated above...from direct experience.

The latest few episodes would probably be rather trying, since he's basically falling apart. He's much less likeable when he's detoxing from opiate addiction and trying to steal pills, or trying the bargain the life of a patient for his next Vicodin fix.

His worst enemies are a cop who shares his motto "everybody lies" and who doesn't need the brilliant doctor House, and the brilliant and addicted doctor House himself.

I wonder how long the show can milk House's hitting bottom repeatedly before it gets tiresome.
Yeah, I like his char, but I don't like how he's really addicted to vicodin now.
Him punching Chase was pretty shocking, and I think it was the last ep where he basically verbally ripped Cuddy a new one, where he said good thing she sucks at getting pregnant or something cuz she sucks with the patient she was helping... that one :LOL:
The possibilities why include:
1) deep down he hated himself enough to think she would be better off without him
2) he was afraid to be hurt again (this breakup would send him into a tailspin physically)
3) his desperate need to know he had the upper hand was satisfied
4) all of the above

that's the way i roll. lol!

he punched associate chase (prescription guy?). hmm. well from experience (druggie) when the 'tough love' crowd starts abusing you over your choices...covertly even...it makes it tough not to tough love their heads off (actually anyone around...it's a snowball effect...traumatic stress...being 'hunted'). it's not the drugs, or withdrawl (never experienced this as a matter of fact) it's the betrayal, IMO, contrary to popular belief.

yeah i see that cop as someone house has to reckon with (with power somewhat like his...to help or destroy lives), only he has no such strings attached to the cop he can pull, so now he's taking 'punches' instead of throwing them...

I hope it doesn't resolve to tv cliche...hit 'bottom'...rehab...relapse...find god...become 'proper' person. blech.
he punched associate chase (prescription guy?). hmm. well from experience (druggie) when the 'tough love' crowd starts abusing you over your choices...covertly even...it makes it tough not to tough love their heads off (actually anyone around...it's a snowball effect...traumatic stress...being 'hunted'). it's not the drugs, or withdrawl (never experienced this as a matter of fact) it's the betrayal, IMO, contrary to popular belief.
No, Chase is a suboordinate. He corrected House's bad diagnosis and tried to get him to call of the amputation of a girl's arm and leg.

House wouldn't listen and wanted to go home; Chase insisted that House stop the surgery; House hit him.
Fortunately, House saw the light and called the surgery off.

House has kept his acrid sense of humor and lack of respect for authority, but he is still falling apart.

yeah i see that cop as someone house has to reckon with (with power somewhat like his...to help or destroy lives), only he has no such strings attached to the cop he can pull, so now he's taking 'punches' instead of throwing them...

I hope it doesn't resolve to tv cliche...hit 'bottom'...rehab...relapse...find god...become 'proper' person. blech.

From the previews, he does go into rehab, but obviously not because he thinks he has a problem.

The real irony is that the cop is very much like House, and he's using the same games.
We're also seeing the fruits of House's pathology.
His defenders are in three groups:

His boss, Chase, and Foreman, who want to keep House out of trouble because either the hospital or their jobs depend on him.

Wilson, who says what he's done is the right thing, though he does get benefit from betraying or manipulating House at the same time.

And Cameron, the one who has thus far shown personal loyalty to House. She urges him to do something to save himself (something he refuses to do) and resents Wilson for his betrayal.
If House does what he always has done, Cameron as the woman with his best interests at heart will get screwed over the worst.

I'm morbidly curious about how badly he mangles her.
after some more thought, and without any knowledge of what the writers' intended for house' character to be...

i 'saw' him as a person who has much disdain for the general status quo, and the slavoring hordes (his views on religion, attitude towards patients and their problems)...he barely tolerates his subordinates, but does realize they are superior to the masses...still he is frequently the one with the most insight and accurate 'instincts' among them and knows it. he has learned that most 'close' relationships are nothing more than seemingly endless pointless social encounters where 'everyone' blathers on and on about nothing, and are more or less 'point scorers' who are obsessed with doing all sorts of valueless (to him) things 'for' him, then abuse him for his lack of 'appreciation' for those things AND his unique (superior) perspective on the world he lives in.

so you say he has become increasingly addicted? i thought the weirdness began AFTER 'the man' started thumping him.

i thought he had a neverending pain problem due to some accident, and so (like many in real life) takes massive amounts of painkillers to function.

i've taken painkillers for separated ribs before...and i have to tell you they work wonderfully (hydrocodone...= vicodin?) anyway had some left over after i recovered. tried them one friday night with no pain to treat. they made me nauseous and bad dizzy. no way anyone (like me) could get addicted. BUT they did make it possible to function (took me 30 minutes to get out of bed the first morning i woke up after the injury (volleyball) and went to the doctor)
i 'saw' him as a person who has much disdain for the general status quo, and the slavoring hordes (his views on religion, attitude towards patients and their problems)...he barely tolerates his subordinates, but does realize they are superior to the masses...still he is frequently the one with the most insight and accurate 'instincts' among them and knows it. he has learned that most 'close' relationships are nothing more than seemingly endless pointless social encounters where 'everyone' blathers on and on about nothing, and are more or less 'point scorers' who are obsessed with doing all sorts of valueless (to him) things 'for' him, then abuse him for his lack of 'appreciation' for those things AND his unique (superior) perspective on the world he lives in.
He does seem to look down on everyone, and he's very good at reading people.
He's often right when he sees through the facades of people.
Trouble is, it looks almost as if he resents the fact that he's right.

At the same time, there are a few cases where it's not clear he is right. Wilson, his old girlfriend, and Cameron have on different occassions not done what the Grand Unified Theory of House predicted.

so you say he has become increasingly addicted? i thought the weirdness began AFTER 'the man' started thumping him.
His underlying addictive personality has always been there. His pain complicates matters, but just because he's in pain doesn't mean he isn't an addict at the same time.

He could have always gotten his pills legally, but it's the addiction and the flawed personality that made him steal in the first place.

i thought he had a neverending pain problem due to some accident, and so (like many in real life) takes massive amounts of painkillers to function.
That is true, but his behaviors go beyond pain management. He's been hoarding pills and forging signatures, something a pain patient doesn't need to do.