Help me out: answer a few questions!

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Hey guys, I need some help for my bachelor's thesis. I'm researching the effects of reviews and word-of-mouth on videogames' commercial success. Mind answering the questions below? It'd really help me out! (Obviously, any and all data is treated confidentially etc etc, I don't need any personal information. Feel free to elaborate on your answers though.)

1. How many videogames do you buy on an annual basis?
(A) 0 to 3, zero to one every four months
(B) 3 to 6, one every four months to one every two months
(C) 6 to 12, one every two months to one every month
(D) 12+, more than one per month

2. On how many of the following platforms do you game?
Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii, Windows
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
(E) 4

3. On a weekly basis, how much time do you spend on gaming?
(A) 0 to 3 hours, gaming once every two days
(B) 3 to 6 hours, gaming almost daily
(C) 6 to 10 hours, gaming regularly on a daily basis
(D) 10+ hours, excessive gaming

4. On a weekly basis, how much time do you spend discussing and / or reading about videogames?
(A) 0 to 3 hours, once every two days
(B) 3 to 5 hours, almost daily
(C) 5 to 7 hours, on a daily basis
(D) 7+ hours, daily

5. Do you read videogame reviews?
(A) Yes, online
(B) Yes, offline
(C) Yes, online and offline
(D) No

6. Imagine, a big game you're interested in is released. Do you read reviews to help you decide whether or not to buy the game?
(A), No, never
(B), Rarely
(C), Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't
(D), Regularly
(E), Always

7. Imagine, a relatively unknown game you're interested in is released. Do you read reviews to help you decide whether or not to buy the game?
(A), No, never
(B), Rarely
(C), Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't
(D), Regularly
(E), Always

8. If others speak positively of a videogame, would you be more inclined to be positive about the game?
(A), No, never
(B), Rarely
(C), Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't
(D), Regularly
(E), Always

9. If others speak positively about a game, would you be more inclined to purchase the game yourself?
(A), No, never
(B), Rarely
(C), Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't
(D), Regularly
(E), Always

10. If others speak negatively about a game, would you be more inclined to speak negatively about the game?
(A), No, never
(B), Rarely
(C), Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't
(D), Regularly
(E), Always

11. If others speak negatively of a game, would you be more inclined to not purchase the game yourself?
(A), No, never
(B), Rarely
(C), Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't
(D), Regularly
(E), Always

That's it! Thanks a lot!

(Yeah, I'm posting in several forums, hope no-one minds... I'm looking for as many responses as I can get.)
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