Help Blue screen from my OS


Windows NT 4.0
Blue screen error

STOP c000021a {Fatal System Error}
The windows logon process terminated unexpectadly.

"It dumped the physical memory."

I could not:

The computer was just given to me, I dont know who did what. They just want it fixed, is there any way to do this while keeping the users files?
Can you give us any more info on the system?

Also, can you access the PC's bios? Sometimes returning all the settings to default helps.
Bios defaults

The bios didnt have many options, and not one for reseting the defaults.
The best I could do is take out the CMOS battery.
reset the bios-jumpers

I used the jumpers on the board, the problem is still here

It is a pentium 3, it is old
I dont want to reinstall the OS
if it has ACPI try toggling that. ie if its on turn it off, if it's off turn it on.
NO, DON'T do that!

That will certainly give XP a royal f*cking! The windows HAL relies on the state of the ACPI toggle at install time, so if it's changed you'll probably get a nonbootable box. Anyway, if it worked before, THIS is not the problem.

I'd say, pop in the install CD and run the installer. Choose the repair option and see if that fixes things. Don't forget to connect to windows update afterwards to get patches for the "new" old files that have been overwritten from the repair.

If nothing seems to work, try booting in safe mode (with network support, if needed) and copy all the user files someplace else, another PC for example. Then format C and reinstall the OS. Annoying, but sometimes it simply has to be done. You may want to consider adding a user data partition too if there isn't one there already.

The ACPI toggle didnt work, it didnt mess the computer up its a
WIN NT 4.0.

I dont have the OS CD I will see if I can get it, and repair it.
If I cant get any other options from new replies if the repair doesnt work I will reinstall.
Guden Oden said:
NO, DON'T do that!

That will certainly give XP a royal f*cking! The windows HAL relies on the state of the ACPI toggle at install time, so if it's changed you'll probably get a nonbootable box. Anyway, if it worked before, THIS is not the problem.

bah! it's easy to fix. a) if switching ACPI causes the computer to be unbootable then you just switch it back and BAM it works again. b) if you really want to switch (or if you threw an image onto a machine without the ability to switch) then you just log into the recovery console and change the HAL. You can also use this method to go between uni- and multi-processor environments. Like, say, if you go from an non-HT P4 to a HT-enabled P4 then you have to go into the recovery console and replace the HAL. It's actually very easy to do.
Dumb question, but have you tried tossing in a boot-up disk? Like a 98se one?

If the HD is FAT32 you should at least be able to access the HD with it and mebbe save some user data.
i dont think that FAT32 was available on NT4. It would be FAT16. Also, if the disk is using NTFS (most likely) then he wouldnt be able to get anything off of it. even if he installed another disk and put XP on it theres the possibility that he would not be able to access the NT drive.
The next thing I'd do then if that was the case would be to pull the drive out and hook it up in my own rig and see if I could pull any data off it.
It booted up

I borrowed the CD from a Net Admin, then I repaired the registry.
The computer booted up, that is some progress, but some of the programs wont start, that is just another subject.
