Heavenly Sword 2 rumor

Oh, Im sure there will be a part two. It was too much of a hit to not be. I am like you, am glad and look forward to it. I liked Kai's parts, hope she is back.
I've certainly been in anticipation. ^_^

Anyone know the actual sales numbers, though? Scuttlebutt always seems to be that it's a "poor seller," even though no one ever seems to actually state numbers.
I've certainly been in anticipation. ^_^

Anyone know the actual sales numbers, though? Scuttlebutt always seems to be that it's a "poor seller," even though no one ever seems to actually state numbers.

The poor claims would be more in relation to expectation. The next gen top 100 article had it around 630k for US/Western Europe, which probably doesn't qualify as actually poor, and probably enough to make it worthy of a sequel.
Male Lead ??????:oops:

What the...?


If its HS, then it has to be NAriko........or I am not buying it !:nope:

She is the best female lead ever...So powerful, yet so fragile !

We already have a male lead in Kratos !

We WANT NARIKO BACK !!!!!!!!:devilish:
Male Lead ??????:oops:

What the...?


If its HS, then it has to be NAriko........or I am not buying it !:nope:

She is the best female lead ever...So powerful, yet so fragile !

We already have a male lead in Kratos !

We WANT NARIKO BACK !!!!!!!!:devilish:

Ermmm... Shes... Dead?
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That doesnt mean anything in the video game world. She can come back from the dead, fight as a dead spirit, or any number of different ways to play her again.

And yeah, she was a huge selling point for the game. For the most part, as a sex symbol.
Male? omg Goddess of War -> God of War transition complete :runaway: (jk)

Bummer, I was hoping Kai would get a lead role. If she is does have a side role, she better not be one of those that just pops up in the background for a chapter or two like a ****** cameo and just disappear again :???:
The poor claims would be more in relation to expectation. The next gen top 100 article had it around 630k for US/Western Europe, which probably doesn't qualify as actually poor, and probably enough to make it worthy of a sequel.
I think it'd sell more if it lowered in price, though. Some people still seem interested, but I basically haven't seen it drop a stitch yet in any of the stores. Certainly it won't get any further notice being the same price as GTA4, MGS4, and all of the bigger upcoming titles.

Great news if true!
But who's going to develop it? The way it seems, NT is working on another title.
One can always add people to a studio, and shift around talent as necessary. ;)

At least one hopes it'll stay with NT. Certainly there were rough edges to Heavenly Sword, but that's something that a "number two" title can fix, as it gets to roll in every change, tweak, and addition that didn't have time to make it into the first. And you're always going to get a better story continuation from the creators who invested so much effort into the first title, and--obviously--had a larger story going on behind.
Didn't heavenly sword sell a measly 100k in its first NPD month?

It did over 600k to date.. That could be enough to warrant a sequel depending on publisher motivations & considerations..

Hasn't the sequel already been announced & confirmed to be in development (not by NT)..?
If it did do 600k to date, then it would be a prime candidate for a Greatest Hits release. So would Resistance, Motorstorm, and F1. Whenever they bring the GH to NA for the PS3, that is. Assuming the qualifications stay the same (or similar).
They also say that the next game is going to be multiplatform... PS3 + X360

Maybe I should've highlighted that point from the interview too - if someone didn't know it'd certainly be big news. I didn't because I thought it was widely known!