Heath Ledger Dead

Really a shame, as I always liked his work. In fact, it makes me angry that a person with such talent, such a good career and life ahead of them threw it all away for the sake of a few pills. A life thrown away.
Pills don't descriminate.

Yeh, I know. It's just a damn shame. This comes a complete surprise to me; Ledger never really struck me as the type who would die of an overdose. It's ironic, kind of. There's the obvious bunch that pop pills like pez and drink like fish, drive erratically and live loud, attention grabbing lives. Yet somehow, they continue to make page 1 with their crap day in and day out, unscathed. Then there's those who die quietly, and let the maid discover them.

May he rest in peace.
Yeh, I know. It's just a damn shame. This comes a complete surprise to me; Ledger never really struck me as the type who would die of an overdose. .

it's easy to overdose if you are presented with pure stuff from Colombia/Bolivia. You think it's regular, snort a big one as usual, and kabum.
I'm reading initial reports that it may have been an accident. Although Ledger had a drug problem, he had supposedly been clean for a year. There's speculation that he may have been trying to knock himself out in order to get his sleep patterns back to normal after working abroad and suffering jet-lag.
Well you never really know if someone is trying to knock themselves out for the night, or for good. I had a friend end that way just a couple years after HS. You just have to respect that kind of stuff for the dangerous items they are.
I'm absolutely shocked about this. RIP Joker, you'll be missed.

Tommy McClain

I'll always remember him for Ennis Del Mar, which I think was a truly historic performance and deserving of an Oscar win. It's definitely going to be a little weird watching Dark Knight now.
I'm reading initial reports that it may have been an accident. Although Ledger had a drug problem, he had supposedly been clean for a year. There's speculation that he may have been trying to knock himself out in order to get his sleep patterns back to normal after working abroad and suffering jet-lag.
I doubt it was an accident, he was last seen alive about three hours before.

He supposedly was awaiting a massage naked. Why would he be taking a bunch of sleeping pills in the middle of the day?

Maybe it's possible, but I believe suicide or murder is more likely. Suicide being the likeliest.

Still sad.

Rest in Peace
Supposedly he was suffering from pneumonia, so maybe an accidental overdose, or reaction with other medication? His family is pretty adamant he'd never commit suicide, especially with a young daughter that he loved.
Curiosity to see Ledger’s final performance will likely further stoke interest in the summer blockbuster. “Dark Knight” director Christopher Nolan said earlier this month that Ledger’s performance as the Joker would be wildly different than Jack Nicholson’s memorable turn in 1989’s “Batman.”“It was a very great challenge for Heath,” Nolan said. “He’s extremely original, extremely frightening, tremendously edgy. A very young character, a very anarchic presence that taps into a lot of our basic fears and panic.”
Ledger told The New York Times in a November interview that he “stressed out a little too much” during the Dylan film, and had trouble sleeping while portraying the Joker, whom he called a “psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy.”
“Last week I probably slept an average of two hours a night,” Ledger told the newspaper. “I couldn’t stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going.” He said he took two Ambien pills, which only worked for an hour, the paper said.

Morbid. Am going to be fascinated by his Joker performance now though.
Supposedly he was suffering from pneumonia, so maybe an accidental overdose, or reaction with other medication? His family is pretty adamant he'd never commit suicide, especially with a young daughter that he loved.

Accidental reactions to some other medicine is a posibility. But if he was seen 3 hours prior, I don't know how quickly pneumonia takes to kill. But I imagine he wasn't seen with late stage symptoms or it would have raised alarms and the police would have commented on it, instead of simply saying he was seen alive 3 hours prior and assuming suicide.

It is likely that he showed no serious symptoms yesterday either. Again we'd need an expert on this but I don't think pneumonia goes deadly suddenly in 2-3 hours with little symptoms preceding it.

Also the pills are said to be sleeping pills not something else. Again why else take these mid day?

Another thing why would he be surrounded by pills? You normally don't see that when people take it normally.

For the pneumonia scenario to make sense given the evidence, we have to imagine he was taking sleeping pills for some other reason, and died while opening the bottle thus dropping it and leaving the pills around.
im surprised it wasnt aids after all that funny business up that mountain

>>His family is pretty adamant he'd never commit suicide, especially with a young daughter that he loved.

a lady from work's son (who had a young daughter) topped himself 2 weeks ago