]The X800Pro shows us the most promise in terms of overclocking, and is probably the card you will be most interested in overclocking.
<image of clockspeeds on powerstrip>
The default clock speeds indicated by Powerstrip is exactly 472.5MHz core and 445.5MHz memory.
<image of impressive overclockspeeds on powerstrip>
These are the highest overclocks we were able to achieve, 513MHz core and 560.25MHz memory. That is a 40.5MHz increase on the core and a whopping 114MHz memory increase! If we went any higher on the core, 520MHz core for example, any game would freeze, and VPU recover kicked in. Going any higher on the memory resulted in flashing polygons in games. With the memory at 1.12GHz it now has the memory bandwidth of its bigger brother, the X800XT.