Halo Wars trailer (Halo RTS)

The basic premise has to make sense! And this one simply put doesn't.

Well not to point out, but I can think of only a very small few games where the baisic premise made any sense as I just dont see one loan marine pretecting eart/mars from the forces of hell...but Doom was still a fun game right? :) These are games and so long as they are fun, who cares if the story makes sense or is beliveable..just enjoy it and have fun!
The first attempt at a next gen RTS (LotR:BMEII) really sucked IMO. I saw the video of one of the devs demonstrating how to attack someone, and it took bloody hell forever - it's the mindset that a selection box is somehow a requirement.

I used the select box very rarely in BFME. Left bumper and A woudl select all troops of one kind, double click A would select everyone on screen, right buymper and A is all troops on the map, something like that...

The select box was good when you needed to be quick and dirty and split your troops, but usually I would either command everyone on screen(AA), or groups of the same units(LB+A).

What they should've done is let you presss a button, and then navigate the mini-map to jump around, that would've made a big difference, the bookmarking was badly done as well.

*controls are off the top of my head, might be wrong as I haven't played this in months.
I don't know if it would play well, but I would be interested in seeing an RTS where you indicated goals for your side instead of giving direct orders to specific units. Like, you right-click on an enemy to have available or nearby troops fire upon them.
I'll take it you don't own a Nintendo system? ;)

That was going to be my response in regards to IP-recycling (or as I would call it, "Being smart, and leveraging the FRANCHISES fans love--give'm what they want!").

As for the story complaint... what game stories make sense? I could pick on EVERY major franchise for this. To look at some of my favorites:

Mario: Uh yeah, fat plumber jumping down sewer tubes, stomping on turtles, and eating muchrooms... to save a princess. For the thousandth time.

Zelda: Sword and magic, traveling a kingdom and beating minibosses... to save a princess. For the thousandth time.

Yet I still love those franchises.
So the assumptions of:

1. ensambled being forced (arm twisted) to make a Halo game
2. Being forced to make a 360 game
3. would prefer to be on the PC

...are nothing more then pure conjecture.

My conjecture: Ensemble has an oppurtunity on a MUCH larger platform, more stable hardware target, and get access to one of the 3 biggest gaming IPs, period... cha-ching! Even better Ensenble was one of the first to dabble in SM3.0, RTS barriers have been coming down with HD displays and more intuitive controls (BFME2 worked very well IMO)... and best yet, a great Genre, which has been nearly completely neglected on consoles, will get HUGE exposure. A lot of gamers want unique experiences, and an RTS is what many would love to get their hands on if it was good. Tossing in a major IP is just a way to generate significant IMMEDIATE interest, plus rich backstory... and of course MS wins if the game is good.

This is a no brainer. Kind of like Warcraft as an MMO. I bet Ensemble is really happy with the oppurtunity to use MS's flagship franchise to bring RTS is a platform where they could see 10x sales. Not to mention... since it is Halo... I BET they are getting a HUGE dev budget they would not on the PC.
My conjecture: Ensemble has an oppurtunity on a MUCH larger platform, more stable hardware target, and get access to one of the 3 biggest gaming IPs, period... cha-ching! Even better Ensenble was one of the first to dabble in SM3.0, RTS barriers have been coming down with HD displays and more intuitive controls (BFME2 worked very well IMO)... and best yet, a great Genre, which has been nearly completely neglected on consoles, will get HUGE exposure. A lot of gamers want unique experiences, and an RTS is what many would love to get their hands on if it was good. Tossing in a major IP is just a way to generate significant IMMEDIATE interest, plus rich backstory... and of course MS wins if the game is good.

This is a no brainer. Kind of like Warcraft as an MMO. I bet Ensemble is really happy with the oppurtunity to use MS's flagship franchise to bring RTS is a platform where they could see 10x sales. Not to mention... since it is Halo... I BET they are getting a HUGE dev budget they would not on the PC.


Ensamble produces quality games and having the Halo franchise to utilize is brilliant... now Halo has made its millions on trigger happy teenage twitch gamers but the Halo universe offers an incredible canvas to produce an interesting result.

If they push the hardware and the genre while doing so... even better. :)
The CGI in this trailer is absolutely spectacular...

Not sure what a Halo RTS would "look like" though... WoW? Turn based? What?
This is really great news IMO, Halo universe is very good for a RTS, it is really great to have a RTS made for consoles, this title can do a really big impact that can bring RTS for consoles like Halo did for FPS.

Really antecipating this title.
The CGI in this trailer is absolutely spectacular...

Not sure what a Halo RTS would "look like" though... WoW? Turn based? What?

Ok that you even included turn-based as an option tells me you may not be entirely grounded as to what comprises an RTS Blakjedi. ;)
I think he may mean if it is more like the Civ series.??? IMO that is highly doubtful. Probably play like LOTR's RTS and C&C
You can have turn based RTS games, for example BFME the "War of the Rings" mode on PC, it's basically Risk + RTS. The world map is explored in turns, but the battles are realtime.
Not sure who follows what forums, but has there been any mention yet as to a target release window?
Has there been RTS games on the console that have been like Battlezone(not 2)? That's my favorite, though I don't like many RTS games to begin with. Hopefully Halo Wars will be more like Battlezone. I'd buy that in a minute.

Tommy McClain
I'm sure Ensemble would never do something this unconventional, but I would be interested in an FPS/RTS combo. The viewpoint and player character is that of an RTS, but the inter action is that of an FPS. So if you want to attack enemies, target them and pull the right trigger. Your units will respond accordingly. If you want to attack from behind, rotate the camera 180 degrees and pull the right trigger. The AI in such a game would be very difficult to get right, but it sounds like a fun idea to me.

My main worry about Halo Wars is that it'll turn out to be Age of Empires with Halo units. I think Ensemble has the opportunity to really change things up with this game, but I'm sure convention will win out.
My main worry about Halo Wars is that it'll turn out to be Age of Empires with Halo units.

hm... depending on how long the story takes, they could possibly do that. There are lots of tech advancements for the humans since the war started up to Halo 3 (30 years). :/
I'm sure Ensemble would never do something this unconventional, but I would be interested in an FPS/RTS combo. The viewpoint and player character is that of an RTS, but the inter action is that of an FPS. So if you want to attack enemies, target them and pull the right trigger. Your units will respond accordingly. If you want to attack from behind, rotate the camera 180 degrees and pull the right trigger. The AI in such a game would be very difficult to get right, but it sounds like a fun idea to me.
My main worry about Halo Wars is that it'll turn out to be Age of Empires with Halo units. I think Ensemble has the opportunity to really change things up with this game, but I'm sure convention will win out.
It could be fun if it was something like Battalion Wars with rock/paper/scissors gameplay and the ability for units to switch weapons to best fit their "role". Could get really deep, fucking hectic too.