Halo 3 : first infos *

Still I do think it's important to not call them out for the fact they never ever released real media for their game.

Well they did release some... but yes, since they are obviously behind schedule, delayed, and still have a lot of stuff to add/resolve in the game we can wait. They have set the standard REALLY REALLY high. No need to kill them... quite yet ;) (Btw, the off-screen shots floating around of the grey car looks really nice, really nice lighting effects).
Well they did release some... but yes, since they are obviously behind schedule, delayed, and still have a lot of stuff to add/resolve in the game we can wait. They have set the standard REALLY REALLY high. No need to kill them... quite yet ;) (Btw, the off-screen shots floating around of the grey car looks really nice, really nice lighting effects).

Sorry I made a typo and added a 'not' into the sentence which totally screwed the meaning. I was talking about how we should call out Bizarre for their total absence of real screenshots... :oops:
Consider me underwhelmed.

I don't know- maybe I am just bored of seeing colorful spartan armor. Or maybe after seeing that Halo RTS CGI trailer, it's hard to be impressed.

I think what makes it look like a UT2k* game right now or one of the previous Halo games is that really posterized color palleted. I kind of wanted to see something a little more gritty and serious like the Halo RTS trailer. But maybe thats not what the core Halo fans want.
I disagree,the scans are extremely disappointing.The only picture that looks good is the last one that shows the inside of a covenant stracture (with the tons of red in it).The outdoor shots look bad for a next gen game.I really don't buy the "it's early" excuse,it should have looked better than that.Even if they add the things they say they'll add that won't change the core of the graphics.The poly number seems really low to me.If they feel that it's too early they shouldn't have shown it.

I was going to give Halo3 the benefit of a doubt,i didnt expect it to look like GoW anyway,but this looks way worse than i what i would imagine.Resistance kills it!There i said it and i am an xbox fan.

I can't believe that the N.1 game of the 360's LIFETIME looks like this.Pretty much every other upcoming fps looks better to me,you name it:Resistance,COD3,RS:V,UT2007....

I sure hope that the single player game looks like 10 times better than what these scans have shown.
I disagree,the scans are extremely disappointing.The only picture that looks good is the last one that shows the inside of a covenant stracture (with the tons of red in it).The outdoor shots look bad for a next gen game.I really don't buy the "it's early" excuse,it should have looked better than that.Even if they add the things they say they'll add that won't change the core of the graphics.The poly number seems really low to me.If they feel that it's too early they shouldn't have shown it.

I was going to give Halo3 the benefit of a doubt,i didnt expect it to look like GoW anyway,but this looks way worse than i what i would imagine.Resistance kills it!There i said it and i am an xbox fan.

I can't believe that the N.1 game of the 360's LIFETIME looks like this.Pretty much every other upcoming fps looks better to me,you name it:Resistance,COD3,RS:V,UT2007....

I sure hope that the single player game looks like 10 times better than what these scans have shown.

Are you serious? Look at the hi-res scans shows some good detail for being alpha. In anycase, Bungie always delivers so I wouldn't worry.
I think I'm more underwhelmed seeing the high res scans. A couple of the shots look quite nice, but others just look very premature. I hope. I'll say nothing more til we get better media, or media later, as I think this has to, and will, go under significant improvement.

Or maybe not, maybe Halo just doesn't need to be a blow-the-doors-down graphical revelation. I mean it is Halo3, it is going to play really well..but graphics whorism is difficult to smack down, especially when expectations are high, I guess!
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FPS GOTY next year, no doubt about it.

Fulcizombie..all I gotta say is get ahold of yourself...lol.
Its no use comparing games ready for retail (GOW or Resistance) to a game that is only functional in multiplayer and is in ALPHA STAGE (yeah..I know you don't "buy it" but anyone on this forum in the industry..be it QA or devs, artists etc, know what games look like in alpha stage..and they usually don't look this good).
The game has a basically year of development ahead of it and it already looks good.

Can not wait to see single player at e3..:)
It looks exactly like the Halo 2 PR (bull)shots but this is early and this is Bungie so it'll probably look much better when it gets released. Hope it's 60 fps.
Looks absolutely incredible.

The graphics? No. I expect that if you take the detail level into account along with the size of everything, Halo 3 will still be among the cream of the crop. But it won't be Gears of War texture/geometry on a larger scale, or anything like that. Given where all of Bungie's comments suggested they were in development, I'm not even going to bother looking at the graphics very much. And Halo is far from having my absolute favorite art style.

But what I do like is the fact that I'm not disappointed. I was afraid Halo 3 was going to end up as Halo 2 with 2 new guns, but I'm glad to see that they're still delivering like they always do. And the maps look awesome, from that "Oooh, you just stabbed my imagination!" perspective (much like Halo 1). It has that "somthing" to its look that Halo 2 flat out missed, IMO. New weapons, evolving the control scheme, etc. I'm sorry I won't be surprised by it in a year, but no matter. :p

Though I have to agree that Brian should have just dropped some of those comments. Even I would agree that some of them sounded like "damage control."

I'll also bet my left testicle that it's not 60fps. Just don't see it happening.
They showed MP for Halo 2 almost a year before launch too I believe.


2002 August - Announcement Trailer
2003 E3 - Single Player
2004 E3 - Multiplayer (when the elite could actually T-bag faster than.... nevermind)
2004 Nov - Halo 2 launch


...would you?

Let's see.... Halo CE - 30fps. Halo 2..... hm......30fps.

Oh I get it. 1+2 = 3, so 30 + 30 = 60. ;)

....so those futuristic P90s look sexy. *prays they don't sound like me on beans*
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-- here's a small taste of what to expect from both EGM and 1UP over the next few weeks:

What are these new Brutish weapons?

What's a Spike Rifle...or a Spike Grenade?

The Mongoose (the once-scrapped ATV from Halo/Halo 2) is back: Who wants to ride Brokeback?
Halo 3 will have three retail SKUs: standard, collector's edition, and Legendary. Guess which one comes with a helmet and four discs of content?

Adding bumpers to the 360 controller means there's some extra real estate for Bungie to play with. Now the left bumper reloads your dual-wielded weapon and the right bumper is the normal reload. What does X do, though? Mum.

Starting weapon: Bungie thinks they have the "perfect" starting weapon in Halo 3. It's not the pistol, the battle rifle, or the SMG...and it's pretty familiar. How does the new Assault Rifle play?

One of the new maps, Valhalla, is being called "the new Blood Gulch" -- but this isn't another coat of new paint on the Combat Evolved classic. This is, from-the-ground-up, a brand-new map. How is it?

What if you could save your own movies from Halo 3's single- and multiplayer gameplay and then rewatch them? In Halo 3, you can.

Stay tuned to our 3 Weeks of Halo 3 hub page for lots more Halo 3 in the coming weeks!
Pfft, weak.

I wonder how they'll handle weapon switching now that they have the second weapon on the character's back. Will they just magi-pop them, or go for some animation that looks like the character swapping one for the other. Keeping gameplay familiar might dictate the latter, or some funky-looking superhuman-speed animation for it.

Also saw a comparison to Halo 2, and the most surprising thing was just how old that game looks now. Quoth the person on a box, eating with a fox, "is that for the N64?"
Also saw a comparison to Halo 2, and the most surprising thing was just how old that game looks now. Quoth the person on a box, eating with a fox, "is that for the N64?"

HALO2 N64?
try again.



