Does anyone else think that today, Id and even Valve are unlikely to surpass their own games of the past? Not just technological wise but in terms of making a game that tells a meaningful flawless thrilling story? What's the last hardcore sci-fi shooter? Wolfenstein? Didn't that bombed?
RTCW did well, I don't know the sales figures on Wolfenstein, but raven did it anyway. Remember that there is tons of hate for Doom3, but sales wise it did well. Id never told flawless stories, they had exciting adrenaline games. Q2 was the first Id game that had a coherent story in the forefront IMO. I already stated that I think part of the love for old things is nostalgia and thus you can't compete with that. Valve still has a story even if it wasn't as directly presented to the player. Id is getting more into stories not less. BTW I did buy and play thru the current wolf and I thought the SP was actually pretty fun, but I did not play the MP.
I do believe there and challenges and problems. Valve is a digital distribution company now. Id sold out to zenimax. We will see what this does to the future of gaming.
@ Mob what puzzles were there? It was like "here is a plank and a pile of cinder blocks" The only way the could have made their "puzzles" easier was to put a texture of a chalkboard next to it that described exactly how it is that you are supposed to do the super obvious thing. Finding the treasures in the new wolf was way more difficult.
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