H1Z1: Sony meets DayZ [PS4]

You'd think somebody at SOE would have thought that charging for server events when the servers are unstable and may not deliver is an obvious recipe for frustration. The bigger question is why are Sony charging at all? The only thing I can think of it is being a way to limit the initial number of participants while benefitting from the advantages of Steam distribution but there's got to be a better way of doing it than this.

Dumb. But that doesn't excuse people happily and knowingly paying money for early incomplete code then acting surprised when things don't work.

It's pretty standard fare for F2P alpha/beta/open access.

What isn't particularly standard is paying for in game "things" and then potentially not getting those in game "things." Like the air drops. Hopefully, SoE are being responsible and either refunding the funds spent (likely with more purchased in game cash) or making sure the user has access to another "thing" that they bought. I expect this to be the case.

Also, generally when cash shop items are offered for real cash the product is usually at least in a fairly stable state. The fact that this isn't the case, combined with the fact that a server down can cause you to not even be able to loot the airdrop that you paid for with real money is a problem.

I've spent real money in closed beta/early access of some games in the past (Warframe and Guild Wars 2 come to mind) but it's fairly rare. I'll only do so if the product is extremely stable and already in a pretty polished state.

As I and a lot of responsible streamers constantly try to tell people. DO NOT EVER buy into Early Access unless you are willing to accept the fact that you may NEVER receive a finished game. The Early Access is likely to be buggy, prone to crashing, absolutely certainly unfinished, not content complete, and content and promised features may change before release.

In other words you may never get a finished game. This is common.

Or you may get a finished game that is nothing like what was promished when you bought it. This is somewhat common.

Or you may get a finished game that is mostly like what was promised but final version is greatly changed from what you bought into and you may or may not like it. This is also somewhat common. Warframe comes to mind here. I liked some of the drastic changes, but not others. Mostly I ended up not regretting my early access. I know some other people that did greatly regret it.

Or you may get the finished game with all or most of the promised features. This is somewhat rare. Wasteland 2 comes to mind here.

So, buyer beware when it comes to early access.

They should rename it H1B1. Them bears be sneaky bastards and clearly more dangerous than the zombies.

"We're night elves". :LOL:
Graphics look terrible...
The shadows seem okay at least, especially when they use the flashlight (this is from the little I've seen from the videos @Scott_Arm shared, I am just curious because of the similarities with DayZ, which is the only zombie game along with Resident Evil that maybe I could handle, zombie games are not my thing at all). But I'd say that the engine of Morrowind (which Bethesda used for Skyrim) or a similar one would be a better fit for this game, so fog shouldn't be necessary.
The game went F2P like Fortnite. Currently on PC for anyone who wants to scratch the itch and not pay $30 for beta testing. I came in #52 on my first game. Time to retire.
How did this game survive based on the pure shitshow it was over the past 3 to 4 years?
How did this game survive based on the pure shitshow it was over the past 3 to 4 years?

China. Over the past year or two, about 95-99% of the player base was Chinese players on PC. What little presence they had outside of China basically disappeared over the course of a few months after PUBG went into early access on Steam.

How did this game survive based on the pure shitshow it was over the past 3 to 4 years?

The game split game modes and names twice, first in 2016. So the the battle royal mode only dates back two years, it just kept the name.

How is the shooting in this game?
PUBG has taken over my life: ( but I can't deal with the hackers anymore, so thinking about getting into this on PS4.
How is the shooting in this game?
PUBG has taken over my life: ( but I can't deal with the hackers anymore, so thinking about getting into this on PS4.

It's more...how to say...gamey. There isn't much focus on bullet physics, optics, weapon modeling, etc. Think of it as a more casual PUBG. Not as crazy casual as Fortnite, but not as much into the simulation aspect as PUBG. There's a reason it died out when PUBG came out, and it was never as popular as PUBG got, but it was the BR game that people played when there were no other BR games.

I've heard that H1Z1 has done a lot to try to be more like PUBG, but then they've also tried different things (vehicular combat, for example). But people that make the switch to PUBG rarely go back and rarely feel the urge to play H1Z1. Still if you don't have access to PUBG and Fortnite isn't your cup of tea, then H1Z1 might be good enough.
