Spotted by turbocozmo (a contributor to a different forum), the following thread has some images possibily from the alternate, unreleased, Dreamcast version of GUNVALKYRIE. Before SEGA went third party, the game was in development by their Smilebit team for DC and was to utilize a control scheme that took advantage of a light-gun and a control pad simultaneously. Smilebit was coming off their DC successes of Jet Set Radio and The Typing of the Dead, and these early screens show they were crafting another unique visual mix of art styles where character modeling appears to blend the standard with a light touch of cartoon cel-shading (if you look closely at all the pics). (Note, the thread incorrectly refers to the game as Agartha - the development name for a separate and unrelated DC game, one which was another unfortunate case because it looked promising but got lost at the third-party switch):