Greatest website on the internet

Well I'd like to thank Beyond3D for what I think is the best website on the internet. The articles are in depth by guys that knows what they are talking about, and I'm truly impressed by all the articles, gaming magazines journalists cannot come close to the real deal when they explain technical stuff, they get a lot of thing totally wrong. I finally registered to the forums, yesterday and I truly hope I can learn from you guys. GREAT WEBSITE, it's good to see people who tells it like it is. Wish I found this website earlier :smile:
Hmm, if this is the result of the new member class setup, I think I like it. :LOL:

Tho it'll probably only last for 5 days and 10 (counts toward post count) posts. :p
What part of South Africa are you from mate? I was born in Johannesburg (currently living in the US), wife is still in jo'burg. Anyways welcome to the site. :)

_xxx_ said:
Stop being so suspitious geo, not good for the nerves... ;)

Welcome! :smile:

"mostly" harmless! :p

Welcome, Dawid, and my apologies for posting pre-caffeine. :LOL: