GRAW review XBOX 360 by IGN

GRAW sounds like it is the first next-gen game to spark my interest. Regretfully, I don't have time at the moment :cry:. But maybe I'll have more time in summer :p
Called my local Gamestop today and they are getting their shipment in at 2 tomorrow. I sense a lot of sleepless nights ahead. :)
just got an email from telling me my copy has shipped....

alas looks like i won't have anything to play it on :(

c'est la vie! i'm sure it'll be great fun staring at the box....
Seems like the reviews are kinda "eh" too me.

High numerical score but little gushing about the game in the main review text.

Of course I'll be getting it anyway. This game has a huge built in market. What else are we gonna buy?
expletive said:
Seemed that some videos had vsync off and some had it on. I'm hoping the ones with it on were new, and the ones with it off were stock footage from preview builds etc.

Other than that, looks great.
I've heard there is tearing in the retail game. Probably one of those games that vsyncs when it can mantain 30fps and looses sync instead of using triple buffering or suffering with droping stright to 20fps with only double buffering.
kyleb said:
I've heard there is tearing in the retail game. Probably one of those games that vsyncs when it can mantain 30fps and looses sync instead of using triple buffering or suffering with droping stright to 20fps with only double buffering.

Ugh, tearing really bothers me. I wish i could turn it 'always on' like i can on the PC. Hopefully its not that noticeable.
The screenshots in the IGN screenshots section really don't impress me :cry: I was looking forward to some really nice screens when I read the review but its just too easy to find things wrong with it. The scale of these cities better be really really big :devilish: because if not all this game has going for it is some fancy lighting and some filteres...
expletive said:
Seemed that some videos had vsync off and some had it on. I'm hoping the ones with it on were new, and the ones with it off were stock footage from preview builds etc.

Other than that, looks great.
Meh...does tearing really bother you that much in a game? Maybe if the majority of your gaming is on PC, but I can't imagine somebody being too dissapointed by it otherwise.

Anyways, could somebody please post some multiplayer impressions for someone who's never played a ghost recon game before. I really want a multiplayer game right now.
Managed to get a couple of hours on the game last night and can report the game does not have vsync enabled although it's not really that noticable, framerate looks a solid 30fps but I'm going on from what I judge(guess). More annoying is the lack of anistropic filtering with textures popping into focus the closer you get to them.... there is plenty of AA though possible 4x I can't tell on a 32" LCD.
Sometimes it seems like people pick apart every little flaw in Xbox games.

I have never in my life heard of this so called vsync issue before. But all the sudden it's this big thing right?

I do not care 1%. I've never, ever heard of it, let alone noticed it.
If you don't know what vsync is or even what it looks like, maybe you're on the wrong forums.... I'm not implying anything, but would everyone here raise hand who know what vsync is.
rabidrabbit said:
If you don't know what vsync is or even what it looks like, maybe you're on the wrong forums.... I'm not implying anything, but would everyone here raise hand who know what vsync is.

*coyly raises hand*

stands for vertical sychronisation, and basically makes sure the game only draws the image to the screen at the start of the video scan - also synchs to monitor refresh rate. the purpose? to prevent tearing... which you can see when part of the screen "lags" behind the rest of the screen when you move. ie it looks like the screen is being "torn" momentarilly...

make sense?