Gran Turismo 6

@Arwin: does the ps4 controller work with gt6? I know face buttons are not analog, but if we map acceleration/braking to R2/L2 we could race. Do test it out. Ps4 will be announced on the 15-18th December here and I would like to play with the new DS4, if possible.
They say no. could be patched in later but I don't expect that. All buttons are configurable, so it would be a lot of work for them to fully support it. Would be cool, but I guess they'd reserve it for PS4.

Hey, now I have Motorstorm RC like friends times shown during license tests!

Just got gold on the next licence, won me the X-bow and a Honda S2000, good prizes!

That X-bow is easy to lose due to lack of grip being so light in medium to low speed turns, but otherwise it kicks a... and takes names.

You can move on to more difficult racing leagues quite fast - you only need to do 7 races (2 events + 1 race) to open up licences, then finish those and the next league opens, etc.

Came across this Megane RS footage
Thats a bummer, I would have liked to play with the more precise sticks, sine I don't have a wheel.

Anyways, th eupdate came with the MErc GT Vision car and I tok it out for a spin on Willow Springs:
1) Willow Springs is totally photorealistic.
2) I realised I could go off road quite far in Willow Springs so started messing around, apparently my car flew really high and I got a damn trophy for it :LOL: !

and the game prompted me to download an update "inside the game" ! What is that? It said I could pause it too if i wanted.
Decided to try this myself, and got 21 stars in the next leagua and then the licences gold for the International B licence. This won me the Scirocco R'10 and a Merc SL 55 AMG '02. So that is a very efficient way to open up races and very fast for winning cars (at least, if you're a good driver or fast learner ;) )

I will do myself and my family a favor and stop playing. ;) Got plenty far in the game now already.

EDIT: didn't realise you get that Vision GT car for free. That puts my total cars gained to 12 now ... (not counting the 5 I got as pre-order bonus)

In game stats say 3,8 hours on the clock. Game progress says 19%.

Nice fotomode shot from GAF:

Gran Turismo 6 - Nissan GT-R Nismo GT3 @ Matterhorn by ADRIANF1esp, on Flickr
Yea, Gran Turismo is going to look ridiculous when it comes to PS4...

I hope they get rid of the standard models when it comes to the PS4. GT5 and GT6 are amazing simulators but the inconsistencies in quality sometimes are a deal breaker. Its got elements of the best and of the worst mixed together.
PD needs to clean it up. Previous games were a nod to perfection in their time. GT5 and GT6 were not despite its superbly amazing achievements for the things it does right. I still believe they should have went with 720p to add more detail and find a way to get rid of those ugly shadows that stick out like a sore thumb in an otherwise sophisticated engine with beautiful assets
Really hard to do without reducing the car count, and I don't think that would be well received.
I don't mind standard models. As long as the handling is accurate (hopefully the sound too) + they keep adding premium models. I would rather have 1000 cars with 200 premium models than only 200 models (or even 300 premium models only). I would rather they add new cars and tracks rather than working on converting standard cars to premium. After they have all the tracks in the world and if there are still time after making new cars (new=cars that aren't included in previous GT) then they can start upgrading those standard models.
Btw, can you race the Rover on earth and vice versa?
If I were Sony, I would release GT6 on PS4 with minimal work. Just release it in full hd and stable 60fps with better AA and make it a cross buy. It would probably look on par with most PS4 launch games.



The gamejustlooks beyond amazing ! THis Willow Springs track, the desert, is completely photoreal !
This could easily have been a ps4 game if they just put in the premium cars and the tracks that are absolutely photoreal. Remove everything which has even a small graphical blemish and put it on ps4 and no one would have complained! The realtime TOD itself feels so magicla when the tracks are already photoreal !

This and BEyond have totally broken the barriers of what is possible graphically on the ps3.
I strongly disagree. Looks like a videogame and not photoreal at all. Lighting doesn't even look that good.
Forza 5 looks so impressive to you with baked lighting, but GT6 on a last-gen platform with far more real-time lighting doesn't look that good to you? Gotcha...

GT6's photomode compares favorably to photomodes on certain next-gen titles IMO.

More car porn in that thread.

I cannot wait for GT PS4. Hell I can't even wait for DriveClub with the way it's shaping up.
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to be fair, even GT4 photo mode looks better than a lot of racers this gen, therefore I won't use any photomode materials for any comparison to be fair.
Forza 5 looks so impressive to you with baked lighting, but GT6 on a last-gen platform with far more real-time lighting doesn't look that good to you? Gotcha...

GT6's photomode compares favorably to photomodes on certain next-gen titles IMO.

More car porn in that thread.

I cannot wait for GT PS4. Hell I can't even wait for DriveClub with the way it's shaping up.

Why do you have to inject Forza into this discussion? Do you feel threatened by how good it looks? And who says the lighting is baked in Forza? Just because the sun doesn't rise/set doesn't mean the lighting is baked. The incar view wouldn't look right if the lighting is baked since the car

The lighting looks so damn fake in those GT6 desert shots. If you think they look photoreal just because they aren't baked then you need to have your eyes checked or you need to recalibrate your monitor...:LOL:

Comparing photo modes is utterly dubious for comparisons. It's what one resorts to in order to try and divert attention away from the lack of good ingame graphics.

DriveClub is 30fps and isn't even a sim so it'll likely have crap physics just like NFS.

So do I it looks better than most photos :)

You must be looking at some really ugly photos then...:LOL:

It looks better than photos if you're trying to make it look fake like a videogame instead of real life yes...;)
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Why do you have to inject Forza into this discussion? Do you feel threatened by how good it looks? And who says the lighting is baked in Forza? Just because the sun doesn't rise/set doesn't mean the lighting is baked. The incar view wouldn't look right if the lighting is baked since the car

The lighting looks so damn fake in those GT6 desert shots. If you think they look photoreal just because they aren't baked then you need to have your eyes checked or you need to recalibrate your monitor...:LOL:

Comparing photo modes is utterly dubious for comparisons. It's what one resorts to in order to try and divert attention away from the lack of good ingame graphics.

DriveClub is 30fps and isn't even a sim so it'll likely have crap physics just like NFS.
The lighting is pre-calculated in Forza 5 because there is no time of day changes. I will cut T10 some slack because it's a launch title. There's no excuse for Forza 6.

I only brought up Forza because I found it strange that you gush over Forza 5's visuals, yet you can't cut GT6 a little slack for being a last-gen game, when it even has a lot of real-time lighting and time of day changes. And I think their photomode is superior than Forza 5's. I think PD's artists are better at making car models look believable, whereas T10 struggle even with more powerful hardware.

Yes DriveClub is 30fps, but it has full dynamic global illumination, dynamically generated clouds with (IMO) much better lighting, track details and textures, and better anti-aliasing. But this discussion is better suited for this thread.

And no, I'm not impressed with Forza 5 much at all. I mean it's by no means an ugly game, but it doesn't look impressive for a next-gen title IMO.
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