Gran Turismo 6

Regarding tesselation: standards in GT5 vs GT6

I wonder how they are going to deal with those GPS data generated tracks submitted by the users.
It's a PS3 ! Split 512MB RAM~

hm... it just generates a track based on the travel metrics (distance & turns) as far as I can tell, so it's probably not as crazy as it may seem. They may even scale up the road so as to accommodate racing conditions for turns and the like. (total shot in the dark, don't know :))

Stitch together existing terrain pieces maybe?
Perhaps lighting on the SPUs?

Didn't they do that already partly in GT5? But they rewrote something to solve the aliasing with transparencies and HDR, they did mention what they did somewhere but I forgot. Maybe they just took Nao's advice :p (if anyone remembers)
those tessellation comparison pics, now the standard car at least look like they are Forza 2 level of quality, should blend in very well with all the premium
Well you shouldn't see it if it does its job right ;), but yes, that's what should be happening ... it was shown in a wireframe model I think (a PR version of that still shows up in some of the trailers)

I loved the coffee breaks in GT4 Prologue, which had a lot of them. I'm really happy that they are coming back. And one like this one, with fuel consumption added into the mix, was also one of my favorites back then (you had to do as fast as possible a lap while staying above a certain mpg). I also loved one where you had to stay within a path outlined by cones, and part of the course you had to reverse. I hear one of those is back too, and very promising was that it seemed you could get a choice to map the reverse to a button - if that is no longer the default, then one big complaint of mine has been lifted, in that previously you couldn't control the throttle with the pedal.
So your actually seeing the polygons being added as you get closer ?

What are you trying to say here? Obviously the point is to not see the polys being added :-/ ...I don't get your post a t all.

its there in the game, if thats what you are asking, there's a video on youtube where they dshow it happening with mesh overlay over the rendering. You can know it there because you could see poly edges when u got close to curved parts, now all you see are smooth curves.