Gran Turismo 6

A forcefeedback wheel is a fantastic investment if you like racing games
The one in the vid is about the price of a xb1 but you dont have to spend that much
just make sure it is also pc compatible and it has proper forcefeedback (stay away from anything labeled rumble or rumble force ect)
A good wheel will easily outlast the life of a console (one of the reasons pc compatibility is important, the other being the huge library of compatible games)
I bought my first wheel in about 1996 and its still going strong, I'm so scared of being without a ff wheel that i own 4 of them
see my post in the link
I got a Driving Force Pro (bit like the GT Force Pro), twice - last one I bought was many years ago already too and only for 50 euro, 900 degree support and good force feedback. Works great on PS2, PS3 and PC (GTR mods and everything, the DTM mod for F1C had the best FF support of any game ever, by the way, and has not yet been beaten for some reason).
The Driving Force GT is a solid budget wheel. I used it in GT5 start to finish. The one complaint I have is the pedals are light in terms of resistance. I have a couple of bungee cords hooked up to the gas pedal. The brake pedal is ok.
I agree, but I always drive without my shoes on for that reason. Then it's ok.
the DTM mod for F1C had the best FF support of any game ever,
You mean this
DTM 2002
never tried it. I did like this one though
ETCC 2003

its been converted to r-factor (or redone from scratch)

Edit: DTM 2002 has been converted to r-factor
and GTR 2
Yes, that's the one. If you can, considering you are a fan of these things, you should definitely try.




Will be very very interesting to see how the "Simulate Everything" angle play out between the CPU and GPU on PS4~
Against all common sense I pre-ordered this game, I am burning up money on consoles, 3 ps4 games and the console, and then this.

I hope it will be a tad easier to get the Lemans cars :)
Same for me, though I will just get it from the store. Looked at the first hour, didn't tell me much beyond that its a polished version of GT5 but look forward to trying it for myself, and so many new tracks!
We ve heard almost nothing of the game and its almost out. This is very strange.
Exactly what I said in the previous page. its weird. Such a huge franchise and no marketing at all ! Its as if Sony doesn't want ppl's attention shifted from the ps4 or something.

Feels weird. i have the game pre-ordered and have seen practially no preview or anything at all except a few replays, that too offscreen.


The tesselation is really a marvel , makes the cars sublime :)
There seems to be an improvement in lighting over gt5. Is there any info on that?
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