Gran Turismo 6

I don't think they can resist not taking advantage of what the PS4 has to offer. Besides, aren't most cars in GT6 still the PS2 models? I really don't want to see those return in GT7.
If they plan on next year, then it will just be a GT6 port on the PS4 with all the DLC features included. I will be happy with that, but of course it will mean no remodelled tracks or cars.
Somehow I have my doubt Kazunori would allow this.
I starting to hope that he gets overruled by Sony. the likes of him and Team ICO can't be allowed indefinite time to create products because that's just a money sink. They need deadlines and targets and to work within them. There's nothing wrong with a GT6+ on PS4 as an interim product that'll help generate revenues and give PS4 owners the GT6 experience that improves on the PS3 experience. The alternative is for PS4 owners to wait 2/3/4 years as PD slowly get around to releasing something.
I starting to hope that he gets overruled by Sony. the likes of him and Team ICO can't be allowed indefinite time to create products because that's just a money sink. They need deadlines and targets and to work within them. There's nothing wrong with a GT6+ on PS4 as an interim product that'll help generate revenues and give PS4 owners the GT6 experience that improves on the PS3 experience. The alternative is for PS4 owners to wait 2/3/4 years as PD slowly get around to releasing something.

Then they can create something else, but leave Britney alone please! :)
I starting to hope that he gets overruled by Sony. the likes of him and Team ICO can't be allowed indefinite time to create products because that's just a money sink. They need deadlines and targets and to work within them. There's nothing wrong with a GT6+ on PS4 as an interim product that'll help generate revenues and give PS4 owners the GT6 experience that improves on the PS3 experience. The alternative is for PS4 owners to wait 2/3/4 years as PD slowly get around to releasing something.

Not to turn this into a VS thread, but imagine 2010 GT5, but with superior AA, full res transparency, and locked 60FPS. High resolution shadow maps and there you go.
I think that most people would agree that this would absolutely destroy Forza5 on every level.

They just need to port the engine to PS4 and just sell it for 30 euros while they take all their time to develop GT7. That way everybody will be happy, because there won't be another Forza for 2 years, and even the most recent Forza doesn't have real time lighting, reflections, shadows, weather, volumetric smoke when braking, HDR, and so on. Even an uprezzed copy of GT5 would be the ultimate 'next gen racing title'.
I think that they already ported engine to PS4, and it was one of the main reasons to refactor it. On the GT anniversary they mentioned that rebuild the engine to allow more extensions and make it being more future proof. When I read/heard that a parallel sentence came into my head: we had to prepare for ps4 GT :)

I really like the new indicators for showing there's a car to your side and how close.

Replay also shows the AI is quite aggressive, but also a good driver in that it tries to not hit you:

What I like most about gt4/5/6 is that it doesn't feel like a game. Sets it so apart from every other experience on ur console that there is no competition. GT is where u get what u get in GT.

The 'not hitiing you' part is very importsnt, IMO. A racer wouldn't want to damage his car just to nudge past you or risk losing his life in an accident.
Must admit I haven't been following GT6 developments to closely. But i thought DP did a demo prototype of a feature where by they had done some extra mappings for a race track, and then allowed you to race the track in your own car and use a GPS logger to record your lap. You could then feed this logged lap into the special prototype version of GT5 and race against it or watch it back in replay mode.

I just assumed this was a video of this feature implemented in GT6, and assumed Willow Springs was a real life tracl track in the US. The video of guys in the in-car shot, is from a web cam of the track day, which was logged using the GPS logger. The GPS data was thenb fed into GT6, and replayed from 2 camera angles and recorded.

Then the three recordings were synced up and spliced into the youtube video.

If you look closesly, especially when the video is set to 720p, the car movement does match between the live video and the game playback, but as Shifty said, a forward facing camera would make much more sense.

This is assuming it isn't just generating a random track from driving around...
As I understand it, there's two different types of GPS tracking in the game.

The one that they keep showing off at Willow Springs is the one that players will never get to use... the one that's exclusive to specific models of Toyota cars (the one in the video is a Scion), where it records exact telemetry from every aspect of the car... how much gas you're giving it, the exact orientation of the wheel, gear shifts, etc, combined with GPS tracking around an actual race track. This data can then be imported into GT6 allowing you to see your real-life race replay in-game. This requires you to have one of the few cars that has the telemetry feature, and access to regularly drive that car on a race track that happens to be included in GT6. This feature is, frankly, stupid, because no one will actually be able to use it. Why they keep advertising it is anybody's guess, probably just a way of showing off how "accurate" the game is by plugging in virtual controls and having the game drive a perfect replica of your lap, thus proving 100% accurate physics.

It's debatable as to whether this feature will even be in the retail release... it seems more a marketing gimmick than anything else.

The other GPS feature is the smartphone app that uses GPS data to generate a track in the game's Course Maker. Aside from mentioning it here and there, they haven't shown off a single demo that I'm aware of. Despite the fact that this is the feature that players would actually use as compared to the other one. I sure as hell would, I want to race my trip to work every morning.
The game releases in a few days and there are hardly any trailers or previews out there at all :( ! WTH ! Its time for reviews now and i haven't even seen what the new UI looks like.

That Car B) .

Put in money for the PSN pre order. Can't wait ! Wish I had that wheel they have set up behind him.
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