Gotta get me one of these flashlights!

Interesting the way he kept folding it up with the barrel pointing into his chest/stomach. If they ever started selling those, I'm sure there would be a lot of people shooting themselves in the gut as they tried to fold it back up.

Still it would be pretty bad if every gang-banger or criminal could be quietly packing a machine gun in the form of a large wallet.
Espionage weaponry constantly raises the bar for outlandish devices-turned-firearm. I was reading once about a single shot pen gun that fired a .38 and my personal favorite was a false suitcase that housed an MP5 K enabling it to be fired from within the suitcase.
America is pretty fucked up u know

Shutup Canuck. I don't wanna hear that from you. Why don't you go eat some poutine and suck a maple leaf, eh?

hehehe, sorry, I couldn't resist.

before anyone freaks out - I have nothing against Canada or Canadians, and the above was purely satirical.
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They way he describes the purpose of the gun is lol worthy. Your out on a walk with your dog, someone gives you trouble, and you pop this baby out to "get down to business"! :LOL: What a useless concept for a weapon, as very few people would need to carry around a flashlight gun for personal safety. I fail to understand the American obsession with firearms for self defense, as you can still have a safe society without the need for personal firearms.