Google: what do you think is on their agenda?

london-boy said:
Think The Matrix, but we get cookies in our glass coffin things where they take energy out of us to feed themselves in immense human battery-like plantations...

Chocolate chip? If so, count me in...
london-boy said:
Think The Matrix, but we get cookies in our glass coffin things where they take energy out of us to feed themselves in immense human battery-like plantations...

someone is in "bunny" mode.... :LOL:

OT : I think Google is only threat to M$ and the worst thing for M$ is that Google has so many projects, so they cant acctually pinpoint what is Google really up to.... like neither of us....
just look at latest thing about putting so many books online.... Google started it, now Yahoo and M$ are trying to beat them to it.... and maybe Google did it just to put some smoke around what they are really up to and get their competitors to use their resources on something that isnt that high no Google's list..... i bet every time Google starts something like that and those 2 follow, there is good laugh at Google HQ....

imagine if Google makes browser.... and i think Firefox 1.5 is pretty much platform they would work on and put it on their main page for download.... how fast would IE market share go down the drain? ;)

Dont forget that Opera became free cause it made deal with Google..... so they are up to something in browser world ......
I think Google should focus on making people aware of all the FREE programs you can get that work MUCH better than MS ones.
Advertise them, endorse them... That's one good way to bring MS down ;)

And well, no bunny action last night so i might be a bit over-exitable today!!! :LOL:
Why are so many people expecting Google to enter new markets and revolutionize them? Their core business is extremely valuable and they will certainly face some competition there. If you look at some of the other tools they have released they are quite unremarkable.

However, I think Google taking GNU/Linux, sticking their name on it, and making a tight distribution would do a lot for GNU/Linux. However, this is a lot of maintenance work and valuable hours probably better spent elsewhere.

This is not a negative post about Google, they do a fantastic job. I am just wondering why people are expecting them to change the formula. Being a central "data core" is the future. Imagine the business when absolutely everyone and everything is wired. No more separate phone lines, everything will be done over the Net and guess who will be there to expedite everyone?
i dont know if you followed things about Google lately, but they have raised enormous ammounts of cash for... something..... since their core business is doin extremlly well and their profits are sky-high.... there is "something" going on.....

as much as Yahoo and M$ want to penetrate into their teritory, i dont think they will sit on their backs and watch it without taking any action.... ammount of cash they collected points that they are preparing for something big....

as for their tools.... Picassa2 is my favorite picture viewer... they lanuched GoogleTalk.... which i like more then any other IM and so on.....

and never forget this... Google has prolly the most valueable thing in the market.... image. There is no other IT company with image like one Google has..... not using this to get into new markets would be simply dumb....